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Seeing Rev was like another punch to the face. Savannah's heart began to race and the monitors in the room began to go off.   Her nurse rushed in and Rev was asked to step out.

"What's wrong Savannah? You can't handle any stress right now."

Her nurse, Stacey was an amazing lady and so kind.

"My husband. I don't want to see him. Please make him leave." Savannah clutched Stacey's hand. "Please make him leave." She spoke clearly and with urgency.

"Ok, Savannah. I'll make him leave," Stacey assured. "Did he have something to do with your fall down the stairs?"

Savannah believed it but she didn't know for sure. "He's got a new woman named Vangie. I caught them in our bedroom. I don't want to hear anything he has to say and I've filed for divorce. Please. I don't want to see him."

Stacey's kind hazel eyes hardened into angry slits. "What!" She patted Savannah's hand. "You don't worry. You don't have to see him."

"I have proof because I know no one believes me. My mama had my bag." Savannah looked over to her closet.

Stacey retrieved the bag and Savannah was able to unlock her phone and pull up the video. Stacey's eyes widened and she nearly cursed. Savannah turned the video off and hid the phone under the covers with her.

Stacey reassured her again before leaving. Savannah could hear her call for security to escort Rev out and make sure he was not placed on the list of approved visitors. That didn't really work out that well when Yvette forced her way in with Rev and attempted to force Savannah into seeing reason.

"You two need to stop this. You've been married for 20 years." Yvette clapped her hands. "You know we do not believe in divorce in this family."

That was funny because her oldest son had been divorced twice. Savannah didn't say that though.

"He's going to have a baby with another female," Savannah said. "I'm not going to be married to an unfaithful man."

"That was a mistake, Vanna." Rev moved closer and tried to take Savannah's hand but she moved it out of the way. "I don't want her and she's going to give up the baby for us to raise. I know you aren't doing well with the treatments to have another baby. Now you don't have to do it anymore."

Savannah glared. "You expect me to raise a child probably created while you and her were in our marriage bed? You really don't think too much of me, Rev. I've filed for divorce and I'm not changing my mind."

Rev growled. "Well, I'm not going to give it to you. We're married and we are going to stay that way."

Savannah glared at him. "That's what you think."

Yvette stepped in. "For now, we need to get you back healthy, Savannah and then you two need to go to counselling to work on your problems. If Rev does have a baby on the way, the entire family will be there for that child."

That turned out to be a joke because Rev was a liar. Vangie had no intention of giving up her child and planned her life with Rev raising their baby together. It was all over social media now and she wasn't hiding it. Savannah was able to speak with her lawyer and get all of her options since Rev was not going to sign the divorce papers. They would then, have to go to court and stand before a judge. That process could take a year or more.

Savannah didn't like that information, but what else could she do? The weeks passed and Savannah got stronger. She was able to sit up and start moving her legs. Her physical therapist had her walking with the aide of a walker by this time. With the walker, Savannah was able to go to the bathroom on her own and take care of herself.

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