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Ashe had Savannah stay put while he went to check on everyone. Rev came out of his room, letting the door close.

"This is just great," Rev complained. "What are we going to do without power?"

"We'll figure it out."

Rev huffed and tried to use his key card but without power the door remained locked. Rev panicked.

"My son! I can't get in!"

Ashe calmed Rev down. "Let me get you some quick power. You'll get in but don't close the doors all the way."

"No shit." Rev was annoyed with the man. He really didn't want to be around Ashe.

Ashe went into a side room and whatever he did had the door lighting up so Rev could use his key. When he was back in, Rev went to check on his son who still slept.

Ashe went on by his business deciding not to make an issue with Rev's bad attitude. He checked on everyone and reminded them not to close their doors unless they were in the room or someone was who could open the door. He explained what had happened to Rev.

Vangie came out in a super short lace see through robe which pissed off Alayna and Taysen since their husband's were close. She shrugged and went back in. Ashe continued down to the front desk.

They were clueless about the generators. Thankfully they were able to get the head of maintenance on the phone. Ashe explained that he had a mechanical background so he was shown the basement are where the access to the generators were. Thankfully they were full of fuel. But a hotel of this size will drain them in just hours.

Ashe showed the workers what button to push if maintenance couldn't get here. For now, it was best to use them sparingly. He went to the Jeep in the guise of getting portable batteries. He made three of them to work the smaller appliances.

Up at the rooms, he gave one to Rev's parents, Taysen and Rev. It was easy to pretend that there was already one in their room.

"Savannah and I use them when we're camping," Ashe explained to Braydon when asked.

Braydon smiled. "You're super resourceful."

Ashe shook his head. "Savannah is the one who suggested the batteries and that we keep the camper attached."

When Ashe returned to his floor, Rev was pacing in his sweats and sweater, from one end of the hall to the next.

Ashe would have ignored him, but Rev grabbed his shoulder.

"Everyone alright?"

Ashe nodded. "They're fine. We'll have generators to help keep the place warm."

Rev nodded. "Savannah?"

Ashe smiled because she was sending him images of her drinking hot chocolate.

"She's good. Goodnight, Rev."

"Wait." Rev ran a hand through his hair. "Tell her not to play hero or anything. Take care of herself and the baby."

Ashe frowned. "I won't let anything happen to Savannah or my child. Goodnight."

Ashe went into his room after Savannah opened the door. She handed him a hot mug.

"Here. You come sit down and relax." She led him over to the sofa. "No worries about Rev or the Harts. They are a resilient bunch."

Laura and Vanek returned and were updated. It got cold throughout the hotel in just a few hours causing the generators to be turned on for just half an hour. Announcements were made for people to set their heaters.

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