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"Mom!  Get out of the house!"

Savannah looked at her phone to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.  This was her daughter calling at barely nine in the morning.  "Laila what are you talking about?  Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I had to step out when I got his text," Laila hissed.  "He said he's going to be raising Donovan."

"When hell and hades freeze over."  Savannah rocked gently as Dae had just finished his second morning meal.  He started his days around five to six in the morning.

"Mom, get out of the house!" Laila said again.  "Dad has lost his dang mind.  He is going to try and take Dae and he has the help of your previous doctor."

Dr. Bridget Byrnes.  That was the doctor I bonded with so closely in the beginning and she pulled me through the blizzard and those initial days when I could make my pregnancy a real thing.  My new memories fought with my old ones. 

"What does my old doctor have to do with anything?  It has nothing to do with me that she married your father."  Savannah lowered my voice since Dae wrinkled up his little noise from the rise in his voice.  "Laila what is going on?"

"I don't know," Laila sighed.  "But, Dad sent me and Laura a crazy message that he was on his way to get his new son.  Mom, he made it sound like he was coming to take Dae from you and Ashe.  Like he has a right to him or something."

"He has no right to my son, Laila.  Please let that rest.  He can bring anyone he wants here and I have my lawyers on standby." 

There was fear, for real fear, in her child's voice.  Savannah put away her own attitude and listened to the warning.  "Ok, Laila.  I hear you.  I understand you and I will be careful.  In fact, I will contact my lawyer now."

"Thank you, Mom.  But I would feel better if you left Florida for a little while.  Though Dad is supposed to be in Miami and you way up top, there should be no connections between you.  Well, that isn't working out.  Please be careful.  I have to get back to class."

When the call ended,  Savannah felt Ashe moving through her mind.  He was just upstairs in one of the offices handling some day to day stuff, having a few virtual meetings for his businesses and mine.  He was handling the emails and working with Bradley.  Her man was going through it all so that she could focus on their son.  He just made Savannah want to show him just how much she appreciated him.

"Feel free to come up here and show me any time, little Luna."

Savannah smiled and thought about taking him up on that offer.  Dae was sleeping peacefully so we should have a good hour.  She looked down at the disaster of her body right now.  Showering was definitely needed.

Once Dae was in his portable bassinet, Savannah floated him up into his quiet alcove and placed a the shield around him before taking care of her hygiene needs magically.  There was no time for the real deal right now.  She did her hair and put on a cute little pink silk two-piece lounging short set.  It was warm enough for it.  The outfit was revealing and since she was what she was, her body came right back to the way that it had been before pregnancy in just a couple of days.  That was a major mom hack.  But, during the days for public purposes, she wore baggy clothing to hide this fact.  And Savannah had an approved workout plan with her doctor for her six week post partum release date.

Savannah was heading upstairs when she saw the portal open and out walked Tarek and Cardee.  "Well at least I wasn't in the middle of the plan yet."

Cardee giggled.  "I thought you would like a little break."

Savannah went back down the stairs, conjuring a robe around herself.  Dae was still peacefully sleeping.  "Break?  Are you sure someone named Vanek or Marek didn't send for you?"  The guilt was written all over their faces.  "Ah.  Well.  I'm not mad.  You guys are welcome here any time you want and if my ex-husband has something planned, would be nice to have some witnesses."

Rebirth (Completed) in EditingWhere stories live. Discover now