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Savannah received urgent calls from her family who were enraged at her treatment. Jayda seemed just as upset about Ashe. It made her smile.

Thankfully, Vonda's health problems had been healed.  She'd gotten one of the best reports from her doctor in the last fifteen years than she'd ever anticipated.  Savannah didn't stress that her mom would have a heart attack while she raged.

The city of Tallahassee publicly apologized and launched an investigation.  A month later, no wrong doing was found, their anonymous tip seemed logical even though there was no bank claiming a robbery.

Savannah and Ashe lived in a Hilton hotel suite and they were released from their renter's agreements due to the situation. All, including other tenants, were pleased with that turn of events.

It was now late August and the start of Laura's senior year as Diamonds Captain and she was looking fabulous.

With her down time, Savannah went to a fitting with Uniqua James and her friends. It had been fun after they were done being outraged on her behalf.  They had a real talent for fashion and Savannah told them that she wanted to be their first customer. If they actually got to do a show, they wanted her to model for them.

Savannah and Ashe went to Laura's and Laila's first game. Much of the public awareness had died down and life was returning to normal somewhat. Ashe was always recognized for his hair and size.  The game was going well until Rev made his presence known.

Rev had been doing a lot of character rebuilding over the last months by going on talk shows and radio shows to bring awareness to domestic abuse and his life changing mistakes. He spoke about his son and falling for the grass looks greener female. He spoke about his dedication to win his wife back.

As a result, Rev gained the sympathy experience and people were now looking at Savannah like a bad wife for trading in her husband for a younger man. They started the narrative that she and Ashe were dating prior.

Ashe and Savannah tried to ignore them and there were a lot of people giving them support and unfortunately reposting the pictures of Savannah's injuries from her fall and the fact that Rev and his baby mama were there in the house when it happened. The female response was strong in support of Savannah but there were the ride or die females who spoke about sticking with their man even though he once was abusive.

All of this, Ashe and Savannah put aside by just living their lives as best they could. It did put a damper on their private life as they just didn't have one unless they went to Galanja. They did that as often as possible.

After the game Savannah went to hug her daughters and congratulate them on a great game. Rev joined with his new crew of policemen to meet the girls and pass their snide comments to Savannah and Ashe.

Savannah smiled at them warmly because she knew the truth. Each one of the cops was having a hard time with their wives and gaining access to their bank accounts. They had some audits from the IRS and were generally having a bad financial year and no more side pieces for those who had wives who didn't put up with cheaters. Social media was alive with police being caught with their dicks in the mouths of females not their wives or girlfriends.

"Mom." Laura and Laila led their mother away from the group and their father.

"First you look hot. Uniqua has some talent," Laura said. "Next, Laila and I think you need to leave Florida. Dad is crazy and now that he's a cop, he's more crazy."

"Yea, he's lost it. Refuses to accept that it's over. We are glad it's over. We've even put on our own social media how life was with him. Don't go back to him. We like Ashe."

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