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Around four in the morning, Savannah got a text and a picture from Laura. It was Rev's son. The baby was three weeks early, but was still more than six pounds. He looked like Rev, Savannah thought. He was a beautiful baby. She felt no rage and no sadness but a hope that Rev would sign the papers finally. He had a new son.

TO: LAURA - He is a cutie. Tell your father and Vangie congratulations. 🥳-

TO: MOM - Are you feeling okay?

Savannah smiled. She knew was likely going to be described as odd but she was happy that Rev got the one thing she hadn't been able to give him.

TO: LAURA - I am fine, baby. Are you and Laila coming back tonight?

FROM: LAURA - No. In the morning. Dad invited us to stay at the house. Going to be weird. Love you, Mom.

TO: LAURA - Love you and Laila too. Why hasn't Laila texted me?

FROM: LAURA - She lost her phone somewhere between home and the hospital.

TO: LAURA - I'll see if I can track it.

Savannah prepared to use the location services from the phone when her phone signaled another incoming text message. Several pictures came in from an unknown number. Each was a picture of Rev's new baby with a caption about her being too weak to give a man a son.

These had to be from Vangie. Savannah used skills no one knew she had and learned the number was a new line Vangie had on Rev's parent's account. Her phone was also in close proximity to Laila's phone. So that is how she had had her number.

Savannah erased Laila's phone remotely and ordered her and Laura new phones. She sent Laura the information about them.  She blocked Vangie's number and archived the messages with time and date stamps for the future. She didn't want to see them in her phone but knew they would be important later.

A week later, Savannah was working on a new design proposal for the company. They were looking to produce a phone based on Google programming but give it some edge. She had a bunch of ideas for apps that would work with Vision, the major company they worked with. She presented the idea on a new and better tablet to rival Samsung and was getting a bunch of praise for it. It was currently being sent for development and a nice healthy bonus would be coming her way if the tablet did well.

Savannah was invited to join the production team in Tampa next month. She was offered a higher position with research and development that also came with a big bonus and a higher pay rate. She couldn't pay off her two major bills but her account was looking much nicer.

To celebrate, she sent Ashe an email. He'd never been far off her mind though she hadn't set up that appointment to get pierced. She missed him like crazy, which was why she couldn't see him.

Rev was still refusing to sign the divorce papers and Savannah was getting so frustrated. Her lawyer told her they had a court date for April, 2023. That was six months away. Savannah wanted to cry again.

She'd had to change her personal number again and get a business line that no one had. Even her kids. This was the number her job had and work contacts. Vangie and Rev had a habit of stealing her number from the girls. Savannah had warned them.

Ashe emailed her back within minutes with smiling faces and cheering emojis. He'd also sent a voice recording congratulating her and said he was proud of her accomplishments. Savannah was smiling from ear to ear listening to his gorgeous voice.

She wanted to actually talk to him and the need was too much to bare. When she emailed him the request, he told her to use the number he'd given her. She called him from her private number and he answered right away.

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