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"What is this?"

Savannah looked at the letter that was dropped on her desk.  It was her email to her boss with her resignation.  "It's my two weeks notice."

"But, why?"  Randall Stern had been Savannah's boss for the last year since her promotion.  She'd known him from some other meetings for the whole ten years of her career.  "You are one of my most brilliant minds.  Is it money?  Do you need a raise?"

Savannah shook her head.  "No that's not the reason though I won't say no to the money."  She smiled.  "It is based on life changes and possible conflict of interest."

Randall sat on the edge of Savannah's desk.  She moved back instinctively.  He hadn't done anything inappropriate but she had the reflex with every male but Ashe. 

Randall held up his hands and stood.   "Sorry, I forgot.  But, I would like for you to talk to me.  What are these life changes other than I know your divorce was finally finalized."

Savannah twirled her Apple Pencil.  She'd been working on a new design for next year's tablet.  "I'm working on new ideas for an independent contractor.  Some of the ideas could compete with the work I'm doing here."

Randall rubbed his clean shaven chin.  "Is this independent contract working for a competitor? T-Mobile, AT&T?"

Savannah shook her head.  "No. Nothing like that.  He's a mechanical engineer and I'm going to be helping him design upgraded computer components for the vehicles he upgrades.  I also feel that I can't do both without tiring myself and well, he means something to me."

Randall shook his head.  "No. Savannah.  Please think this through. You've just left one disastrous  marriage.  Don't throw away your career for a man."

"That's not what I'm doing, I assure you.  This is also something I want to do for the creative freedom I will have."  She leaned forward.  "I have so many ideas in my head, things that I want to create and I feel a little handcuffed."

"You designed the best tablet we've ever sold.  It has topped all other tablet brand sells.  We've had some customers join Vision just for the tablet and access to your program.  Money is rolling in from that alone for you."

Savannah sighed.  "But, I had to alter my design because we couldn't agree on RAM.  It wasn't the worst decision considering but I want to do a little more."

"Then do that here," Randall said.  "I'm being honest with you because I think you need it.  You've impressed a lot of people with just one tablet.  They want your ideas.  They want to know more about what can be done to provide products that people will pay for.  Not one of those tablets has come back DOA.  Shippers have destroyed a couple, but no one has had one problem connecting, setting it up or using any of the features.  You've seen the reports from being on the analyst team."

Savannah smiled.  "It is a great tablet.  I rebuilt mine with the extra ram and fully loaded my program on to it.  It is great."

"So what other things are you designing?  We really do value you here and don't want to lose you."

Savannah smiled.  "I've loved working here.  But, I don't want to take away from here."

"Let me ask about doing this, but what if," he stumbled a bit. "We contract you for your ideas and keep you remotely for the analytics.  You are great at your job.  Take a few weeks to think about this."

Savannah nodded.  "I'll think about the offer, but I will be doing a lot of traveling.  I can be reached through vid conference and well I've got an idea about a program for us.  I will put together a presentation and see how it goes."

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