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Savannah parked her Jeep in her assigned parking spot and looked over at the people looking at her from their vehicles.  The cry of a baby caught her attention.  Savannah gathered her case and headed to her 3rd floor condo.  She had a group of people following her.  They were not all going to fit in her one bedroom.

"Hello, Savannah." Yvette said.

Rev's mother.  Since day one, she'd been there and treated Savannah like a child, but she always made it clear her son was her number one priority.  But, Savannah didn't mind.  She'd started calling her "Mama" after about a month of knowing the woman.  What was she supposed to call her now? 

"Hello, Mama."  That didn't sit well with Savannah's stomach anymore.  "What brings you all out here?"

Savannah pressed the button for the elevator and waited impatiently.

"You and this thing between you and Rev."  Yvette faced Savannah.  "Don't you think it's time you stopped this and started working on things with my son.  You two need to fix this."

The elevator came and the group squeezed on and Rev with his baby in his arms stood by her.  Savannah wanted to be anywhere else now.  

"I'm not interested in having a relationship with Rev," Savannah said simply.  "He's made his choices and has a cute kid to show for it."

The elevator stopped and Savannah got off first.  Rev's sister Taysen spoke.  "You and Rev have 20 years together Savannah.  You can't just throw that away without a fight."

Savannah unlocked her door and greeted her pups who came running.  She picked up Kane and Ayea , snuggled them a bit before letting them loose to sniff at her feet.  Yvette did not like dogs so she backed away.

"Can you put them away, Savannah?  You know I don't like animals in the house."  Yvette moved behind her husband Darnell.

"Kane and Ayea will you go into the bed room?  Hang out there and I will get your food ready."  Savannah gave them a little rub and patted their butts when they ran into the bedroom.  She then heard the door closed and smiled.

"You've trained puppies to close doors?" Rev asked.

Savannah didn't answer him.  She turned to Taysen.  "Why do you insist on blaming me for this problem like I'm the one who has thrown 20 years away?  What have you said to your brother?"

"Come on Savannah.  You know Rev loves you and he just wanted another child," Braydon said.  He had a brisk autoreactive voice from his many years in the military.  He was the oldest of the three.

"So, I just ignore the cheating, the female he lived with for the past nine plus months, the physical abuse and find a way to fall back in love with a person like that?  You really don't think much of me and my happiness."  

Savannah moved around her space and felt this was a sin to have seven other people in here.  She took out her dinner for the evening and wanted nothing more than to call Ashe.


She looked over at Braydon's wife, Alayna who was fifteen years younger.  Braydon's children were a result of a first wife.  But now, Alayna was pregnant from the looks of things.

"You should probably be sitting, Alayna."  Savanna looked over at her sofa that was full now.

Alayna smiled.  "Just hitting the second trimester.  And we don't mean to come into your space to upset you.  But, you are a member of this family and besides Mama and Daddy, you and Rev have the longest running marriage.  Do you have any of the feelings you felt for Rev still in there?"

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