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Flashback 2013

"Thank you so much for the kind words. We've done a great job this quarter with malfunctions and handling the efficiency problem we had."

Savannah smiled proudly. "You did the work and I provide the numbers, Carla."

Carla Hodges, senior manager of operations smiled down at me from her end of the table. "Savannah you are going places with that quick head for numbers and patterns. You just see things more astutely."

When Carla stood signaling the meeting was over, Savannah gritted her teeth and stood with her.

"Uh oh," Carla said pointing at her leg. "Did you hurt yourself?"

Savannah waved her concerns away with a smile. "No, no. Just an old sports injury. Must remind myself I'm not young like I used to be."

Carla laughed. She was barely 30 to Savannahs 29. But, Savannah felt like she were twice her age sometimes.

"Don't I know it. Well you enjoy your success today, Savannah. I've got more meetings."

Savannah finished her work day and headed home. She stopped by the grocery store and picked up some things for a beef vegetable stew and a few more things the girls and Rev would enjoy. Today had been a good day at work. Maybe tonight would be a good day at home.

Rev had been in a better mood for weeks now and her leg was still sore but it was no longer purplish black. It was healing like the others healed. He'd promised that this would be the last time. He was crying this time when he'd come back to apologize. Savannah wanted to believe him. Things since moving to Florida were just different.

At the checkout, Savannah used her debit card and it was declined. Worried she tries one more time and it was declined. She apologized to the crowd and checked her account and saw $500 had been transfered put leaving her with $23.34 in her checking account. Savannah quickly moved $100 from her dwindling savings and paid for her things.

Rev! He said he would never go into her account again. Savannah was seething all the way home and wondering what she was going to do.

Rev's car was not there. Where was he? He didn't have a job so he was supposed to be here with the girls. She checked to make sure they were home and they were inside doing homework listening to music.

They greeted her warmly and Savannah went to start dinner. By 8pm, Rev still was not home. Savannah got worried and checked the tracking device option for Rev's phone. Had he been in an accident.

It located him at a park or something. Savannah had the girls bundle into the car and she went to Rev's location. While the girls slept in the back, she tracked Rev down. He was in a serious lip lock with a dark skinned thin female wearing tight jeans and a midriff bearing sweater.

Savannah's heart stopped and she whimpered. Rev must have heard her or sensed her because he looked over wide eyed. Savannah turned on her heels and ran back to the car crying from the pain in her leg and the betrayal. The ultimate betrayal.

Back home, she gave the girls some hot chocolate for the cold night and readied them for bed. She didn't want to be in this house right now. But, she had a ten and nine year old to think about.

Around 4 in the morning, Rev finally came home and went straight into the shower. Savannah had been sleeping fitfully but woke when he walked in. Her rage was still burning.

When he got into bed, Savannah moved all the way over. Normally she craved his touch and wanted him holding her. No longer. She felt separated from Rev now. He didn't care it seems because he rolled over and went right to sleep.

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