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"Let me check on him, goddess."

Morakaiah refused to let go of the child.  "I will hold him but you must make him be quiet.  His cries are destroying my hearing."

"Yes, goddess."  Morakaiah's servant nodded.  She did not give them names and they all looked exactly the same.  The servant tried to comfort the child that would not stop crying since arriving.  Everyone near had fled because the cries were horrible to hear.  "Do you have food from the child's mother?"

"How many times do I have to remind you that she gave him to me," the goddess lied.  "Why would she give me food as well?"

The servant rightly did not speak about the problems with that statement.

"God, sister.  Make it stop."  Valenaiah entered.  She was considered the goddess of health and beauty.  "Haven't you figured out how to shut that thing up?  We are tired of hearing him.  Give him back!"

"No!  He is mine."  Morakaiah back handed the servant.  "Leave!  You are useless!"

Falleniah, the 4th sister, walked in as the servant fled.  "You are such a liar, Mora and when Solaraiah finds out what you did, you are going to be dead.  Give that child back to his mother.  His real mother."

"I'm his real mother now."  Morakaiah awkwardly tried to rock the baby who only screamed louder.   "Why won't he stop with this crying?"

"Because he does not want to be here.  Haven't you noticed that when he gets his strength back, she shields.  Don't drop him this time."  Falleniah rolled her eyes.  "You are going to be so dead."

Morakaiah was not concerned.  "It will be ages before Solaraiah comes back around here.  By then, the kid will have come around."

"And his parents?" Valenaiah asked.  "They have been at the gates of New Atlantis for days now.  They know their son is here and all they need is to see him with you and then you have to deal with the big guys."

Falleniah laughed.  "Let's see how you are going to talk your way out of this one.  You can't steal children."  She laughed harder.  "You are so stupid, sister."

Morakaiah was getting angry.  "This is a powerful child.  The gods will see this my way and know that he belongs here."

There was a swirling of rose light that filled the room and shot all three goddesses back into the walls.  Solaraiah appeared and she was not happy.  She lifted the baby, checked him for injuries.  It was a good thing he'd landed on quilts.

"You thought I wouldn't find out about this?"

Savannah slashed the barricade keeping her out of New Atlantis with more energy bolts and not doing one bit of damage but making the giants at the gate yawn.  Their grumbling made the earth beneath them quake.  If the giants on Galanja were huge these guys were twice that size and did not seem too energetic. 

Beside her Ashe had flown around the entire island looking for a way in and finding nothing.  He'd beat the barrier until his hands were raw and broken, to let them heal and try again.  They were not giving up especially since they could hear their son's cries and knew he needed them.  They felt his anguish and wish to be back with them.  He was so tired that he couldn't hold his shield any longer and it broke Savannah's heart.

Savannah winced when she felt her mate break his hands yet again trying to punch through a barrier that did not want them inside.  She went to him, pulled him into her arms and allowed his hands to heal again.

Rebirth (Completed) in EditingWhere stories live. Discover now