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Savannah remained a visitor at her own home for the next four months. She lived in different hotels and would do drive bys to see if Rev was there. The male was infuriating in his stubbornness.

She'd gone to see Ashe a couple of times when the temptation to stay away from him was getting to be to much. He was also feeling it and they would just park, side by side and talk outside of their windows. Just seeing his face brought on a lot of peace.

Ashe's dual businesses were doing well and keeping him busy. He was doing a lot of high priced tattoos and his services for upgrading vehicles had become much more in demand. He sent Savannah the patent information on her amazing infotainment upgrade and it was now pending.

True to his word, any vehicle that Ashe used the upgrade, he sent half the money to Savannah. They were turning out to be a really great team. Savannah's work was becoming more and more popular and the team members were starting to actually respect that she knew what she was talking about.

The tablet was one of the highest rated among Android operating systems. She'd made her Lite version of the disability program and that was also bringing her in an additional income because she retained her rights. UT COMM was not going to broker another deal like that. Instead, they were offering to buy each of her future ideas and they would retain the rights to it and she'd be there to fix any problems.

Nope, Savannah wasn't going for that. So that left them at a stand still while she kept new ideas to herself and just made what they had better.

Today, she was due in court at 9am sharp for her final divorce proceedings. Savannah was dressed in a navy blue business suit and she met her lawyer at 8:30 am. He was prepared in his power suit and they went over any testimony if it needed to be given.

Rev showed up with his family and an attorney. He looked hopeful at her but Savannah was done. Rev was about one thing, his wants. Thankfully, he had a competent attorney who kept him from talking to Savannah.

Once they were in the courtroom, the judge took his seat and looked over the guest list so to speak. The attorneys presented their clients and the reason this had gone to court.

The judge was a white male in his seventies, named Howard Pouncy. He looked every bit of the years too. Rev's case was allowed to be presented first.

Rev's lawyer painted a scathing picture of Savannah. She was lazy and only fulfilled by work which led to Rev seeking comfort from another woman. Savannah was also made out to be selfish with money and forcing Rev to meet the needs of lavish living that his check could not cover. Savannah was a woman with a very successful career and Rev was a hard working male just trying to make it.

Savannah would have laughed had it not been for the judge looking her way with a hint of disgust. She felt it from him. Rev was in counseling for anger management and just wanted to save his 21 year marriage as they had an anniversary in May.

Savannah's lawyer, Taytum Caldwell, present evidence that contradicted everything that was just said. He had Savannah's medical records, pictures of years of abuse from Rev's fists and slaps. He present financial statements in which Savannah paid every bill in their home since moving to Florida and taking her new job. And there was no denying that she'd caught Rev with another woman in their home in their bed to which their youngest daughter had been there to witness. Savannah was only asking for her safety and to rebuild her life after nearly being killed during another fight with Revari Hart.

More arguments were brought including Savannah's motivation for wanting the divorce. To Savannah's shock, Rev had Ashe subpoenaed to appear and be questioned. He hadn't told Savannah about it because he'd been told he couldn't, a gag order.

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