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Ashe followed Savannah home.  He got a call from Sam on the way.

"It's late. Shouldn't you be with a date?"

Sam laughed. "Nah. I got the night free. I'm calling because I thought of something from earlier.  I was at the store and I saw Savannah. I was going to go flirt with her but I saw her with that jerk Rev. I listened in just in case she needed help. They were just talking about their girls and these guys the girls are dating. He got mad angry about some really stupid stuff but left. That dude is bad news, Ashe."

Ashe grunted. "Yeah. He is. Savannah can take care of herself. But, I'll be a bit more vigilant."

"Cool," Sam said.  "I'm just looking out because I like Savannah, you know.  If I was to pick your ball and chain, she'd be it."

Ashe smirked.  For Sam, that was a very nice thing to say.  "Thanks, Sam.  Goodnight."  He let out a short laugh, shaking his head.

Ashe was of one mind when the got to the apartment. He made sure that they were safe and not followed before he opened Savannah's door. The dogs jumped out and he could tell that they were doing their own scans. He was proud when he felt Savannah doing the same.

In the apartment, Ashe put the cleaned dishes through a final cycle in the dishwasher. He just felt they needed to be rinsed for some reason. They'd been traveling and just weren't home ready.

"Oh thanks," Savannah said. "I was going to do that to get them kitchen ready again."

"Do the pups need to go out?" Ashe asked her.

Savannah shrugged. "They tell me when."

Kane and Ayea turned and headed for Ashe's large sofa that they'd claimed for their own. They snuggled together and promptly went to sleep.

"All mine." Ashe lifted Savannah and carried her into the bathroom. "I need to shower humans off of me."

Savannah laughed. "I think we can use a shower."

There was only one bathroom so Savannah knew they were going to shower together. The talks they'd shared about mating let her know just how sacred what Ashe was about to do. Ashe had told her he was from a dimension that ran parallel to Earth so he wasn't from a planet, but another place like Galanja.

Lorcanali was home to the protectors or those trained in art of war and violence.  Lorcans could look a number of different ways, but there is one thing that they all had in common.  They had their wings.  These wings were only to come out in the middle of battle or in claiming their mate.  In fact, no female was allowed to even see their wings, let alone touch them, unless it was a Lorcan's true mate and at the time of mating.  

That was why Ashe wore long shirts and never went completely shirtless.  He was hiding his wings which were an elegant tattoo design on his back until he called for them and they because these eight to ten foot wing span capable flying machines.

Savannah looked at Ashe, biting her lower lip as Ashe unbuttoned his shirt and removed it.  The artwork along his arms and back began to glow and she could see feathers, thick and black, but so smooth looking, rise up before settling again on his skin.

Ashe pulled Savannah to him and placed her hands on his arms, right over the feathers.  Her fingers had him breathing so hard as he tried to maintain control.

"It's, your feathers," Savannah managed.  "They are softer than I imagined from first seeing them."

"They are alive, in a way," Ashe explained.  "They recognize you as my mate and damn your touch feels so good.  I'm barely holding on here."

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