Free (END)

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The final chapter...

Third person////

Upstairs the ground begins to shake and rumble. Everyone falling or leaning onto something stable enough to hold ones weight. Large cracking sounds can be heard as Virgil tries to get up. Body now weak from the power drain. He swallows hard. Daring to look behind him. The farther rooms start to fall off in slates. The plaster and wood falling in chunks. Crashing into eachother. His eyes burn a bright purple as he clambers to get up the walls being unstable as he leans against them to walk faster.

It's a time race. He has to get to the door he has to get out. But as the small pocket is breaking down.

Dep stands from the huddled position in his mind, his pain subsiding. Cracking his neck as he makes direct eye contact with Janus. Jan turns on his heel and starts booking it. As fast as he can.

Roman though was eager to get Virgil out from the rumbling basement. Trying his best not to stumble going closer. He opens the door and then a crash happens and roman falls onto his stomach. Halfway hanging out the door. He's panicked and worried. Passionate and an experience, but most of all he was in love with this man that maybe is about to die.

Virgil is rocking from one side of the hall to the other. Rounding the corner to a smaller hallway and the set of stairs. 'just some stairs just some stairs just some stairs-'.  Virgil winces as a large piece of wood hits him over the head. Blurring his vision. The destruction coming closer as the heels of his feet are no longer unstable. Him trying to run up the stairs with what little stamina he has as the stairs start to disassemble. Roman yells. Virgil falling backwards into the blackness under him.

Then Roman grasps his arm. A sigh of relief falling from him as the shaking stops. Virgil's wrist secured in Romans hold. Dangling slowly and swaying but he's got a good grip.

He starts pulling him up quickly. Kissing his cheeks. "You did it!!!" Their now safe together. For ... Now. Roman giggling happily and holding onto him so tightly. "You fucking did it!" So many kisses. So many he gets all of the face kisses. Everyone else catches their balance a bit. Virgil cuddling into Roman and coughing.

"I did it." He smiles a small smile. Voice raspy from pain and screaming but he's okay. He's alive. He's not held back anymore.

But there was still one other problem, one other loose end. Dep. While the shaking and screaming was happening, Janus was losing, he hadn't been able to run fast enough to get away. So in the dreamscape his neck was snapped held by his throat as a cracking throws down into the echoey hallways. Just as it was finally safe Janus wakes up. Gasping for breath and falling off of the recliner he was once peacefully asleep at. 'Why couldn't they catch a break.' the whole room thought as Janus woke up and everyone noticed.

Before anyone can speak, long drawn out sounds of popping fill the room as Dep sits up slowly from his sleeping position that he was in on the couch. "Ah so... The gangs all here." Sides in the room the stand the frozen like deers in headlights. The initial movements between any of the sides is Roman slowly wrapping his arm around Virgil and making sure he's protected. Roman stands with Virgil as the other sides catch their own balances Dep still getting used to his surroundings. 

The door that once led to the basement disappears so now it's just a wall behind Virgil and Roman Logan standing at the dinner table  that he had been working at for weeks now. dep's eye twitches as it flicks around the room meeting people's gazes. Romans gaze seemed determined. He stood looking death in the face

and laughed. 

The laughter starts the fight. Logan quickly grabbing Virgil's arm and taking him from Roman as Roman lunges with a sword at dep. The chains were broken he could no longer control Virgil even if he wanted to. He had no more leeway in the house, he had nothing to bargain with.

Sparkling red veins start to burst out from Roman's hands and arms slowly growing up around his form. Virgil's eyes turn purple and sparkle with fear of the situation going wrong.

Roman sword glows a deep red as dep's staff starts to burn his hands barely able to hold it from how warm it was. Everyone starts to hear a sizzle of dep's skin. Roman holds his hand out to the right, away from the people that he dearly loves. A portal forms and his hand quickly moves to the left, the portal swallows both Dep and Roman. They disappear. The others unable to see them anymore but Roman and fear still are fighting.  As the portal disappeared.

Soon their forms start to spar against each other Roman had moved them to creativity room, he had more power there why wouldn't he. Probably the smartest decision that dumb man has ever made.

To describe it for you, it was a field of land with cold wind blowing in different directions the sun starting to set and the playing field was flat somehow you can hear ocean waves falling down on itself in the distance. The field hed tall wheat growing.

Roman and Dep spare heavier as their staff and sword clang together. Death was quick Roman was trained and skilled, highly skilled. He'd been waiting for this moment so even when death disappears and reappears finally getting a hold of his long forgotten powers, he was ready.

Ready for the predicted strike as fear hopped into existence behind Roman he grabs his spear using his Force to pull depth forward he catches his throat with his hand as the veins start to surround his neck. He screams in agony. He hadn't felt a pain like this before. In fact no one had except maybe some dummies in the training room at home.

Dep's eyes widen as Romans hands squeezes his neck so hard that he starts choking lifting up from the ground he starts grabbing at throat as of trying to get Romans hands away. Roman drops his sword adding a second hand the veins starting to pour and seep in to his body his skin started to crackle and is dead layers of skin start lifting up and splitting his insides were glowing and at this point boiling.

Roman wanted this he'd wanted this, for a long time. He has to reset him. Reset him or split him anything besides him still living with all his memories and all his manipulative tactics. Roman's anger forces the cracks to get bigger slowly splitting like the Grand canyon, soon it reaches down to fear's bones. He admitted to himself that he wanted this pain to last as long he could make it last for Dep. He wanted it to burn into his soul. Burn into his memories his last waking moments that this is what his life had come to being beaten so easily all of his manipulation can be fixed and can be guided differently.

He doesn't have to use the pills. Thomas doesn't need it anymore. Roman hated them anyway made him tired made him feel used up. He hated what it did to Patton. He hated what dep did to everyone. Everyone he cared about. Everyone he loves.

He hated dep.

In his mind he doesn't deserve Mercy, he doesn't deserve a quick death. Roman draws out the anger as much as he possibly can. Scream echoing throughout the mindscape. He starts to hear the cracking of dep's bones them slowly being separated by the lava that Roman created into different sections of his body. It hurts as you could imagine. It would hurt anyone. 

Roman, after about an hour finally feels his neck snap under his hands his body fades to dust and it flows In The wind falling over the field. The scream stopping as the body fades away.

They're free. They're free until the reset happens and hopefully it'll just be a kid that doesn't know what hurt means. 

They are free-

Roman gets to go home fix up his bed and give Virgil back his headphones and favorite sweater. Fix him breakfast for dinner. Sit around and talk with his brother. Make fun of the snake. Listen to Logan ramble. Make puns with Patton. Drink some Starbucks with Remy. Get in a nice warm shower. And gets to go to bed and sleep, finally, sleep.


Prinxiety caught (Finished!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora