Sleeping 6

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Romans pov\\\\

I summon a soft chair and place it next to anxiety's bed. Both logan and Patton sit on the floor.
All of us still had tears in our eyes.
"He's not gonna wake up anytime soon." Logan says with a sigh. We all sit silently for a while.
"Why?" I ask but no one answers. Logan just looks at the floor, Patton had fallen asleep on Logan's shoulder and logan didn't protest he was just puzzled as much as I was.

(Smol time skip.)

I had taken Patton and Logan to Logan's bed both had fallen asleep but I was worried. So I made myself useful and worked on the doors I had busted down. The bathroom one was pretty much shattered so I just wiped it away from existence and create a new door just like the old one I screw it back into place. I wipe up the blood on the floor and take dispose of the towels. Then I remember.
"Thomas." I say quietly. He must be so worried, but I can't leave.
It can wait till morning when Logan or Patton wake up.
I work on the regular door to the room and get it all fixed up. But I was so tired. Reluctantly I lay down in the bed next to anxiety, I was on my side looking to anxiety examining his figure. His lips were so red from the blood from earlier. His cheeks were slightly dusted in pink his shirtless pecks were so chiseled. I fell asleep admiring him.

Virgil's pov\\\\\

I wake up and feel my whole body hurts. I open my eyes and see bloody bandages. I hear snoring, I look next to me and see none other than Princy. GOD HES CUTE WHEN HE'S ASLEEP. But then I notice I'm shirtless and bandages cover my arms and most of my torso. So what happened wasn't a dream? I thought it was a dream.
I creep out of my bed but my body cries in pain, a whimper escapes my mouth. I look at the clock and see it's 3 am. I need to talk to deceit. I sink down to right in front of his door.

He opens it, I see his snakey grin fade. "What happend? You don't look like a train wreck." His face looked actually concerned. I put my finger to his chest.

"What did you do to me?" I ask firmly and angrily. He backs up into his room.
"I have a idea of what your talking about, enemy." He puts his hands up as I continued to walk into his room with my finger still pointing at him.

"Don't call me your friend. What did you do. Last night I couldn't say your name and then i had a panic attack for over 9 hours. What. Did. You. Do?" He looks confused.

"I did that." I know he's telling the truth so I take my finger off of his chest and sit on his bed. I put my hands over my face.

"Do you have any pain meds I could use." I ask him

"No." And he walks out of the room. He comes back and has a bottle of meds and a water bottle.

"Don't take 2" He says and sits down next to me. I take 2 and drink the water. "So what happend?" He asks and turns to me.

"I had this horrible attack that lasted for a entire night and when it died down I may or may not have cut my arms. As I was washing and cleaning my wounds I was summoned to Thomas's living room, I tried to hide my arms but couldn't. I ran after they saw and did the only thing that could calm me down, cut more anyway I passed out and woke up with Princy sleeping next to me and bangages covering my cuts. ..
Does that answer your question?" He looks at me with sorrow and concern.

"I am not sorry. I don't want to give you a hug and I am not concerned giving you one would hurt you." I look back at him.

"Yeah hugging me probably not the best idea right now. Anyway I miss having you as a friend and I can't even say your name." I sigh. "Im sorry I thought you had cursed me or something. I'm also sorry I have to pretend to hate you around the other sides." I continue

"Its not okay Virgil." He smiles a weak smile. "You shouldn't get back to Princy before he wakes up." I nod and stand up.

"Thanks for the meds snake." I salute and pop back into my room. Princy still snoring. I lay down carfully and turn towards him I studie his features his light freckles dusting his face. His lips so soft and a soft smile formed on his lips. He's perfect.

And that's exactly why he will never love you.

I yell at the sudden voice and fall out if the bed onto my back on the ground. "Uggh." I grown as I hear Princy stand up and run over to my side of the bed.

"Are you okay??" He hold his hand down to lift me up, instead of slapping it away I take it and let him help me up. He picks me up and sets me into bed and puts the blanket on me.

"Im to tired to protest." I say with some meanness layered in my voice. He sighs.

"Is it okay for me to lay down." He asks in his morning voice, FUUCK HE'S SO HOT.
"Sure." I say not losing my mean voice. He hesitantly snaps his fingers and changes in to a white tee and some gray sweat pants.
He lays down under my black velvet covers this time.
He lays the opposite direction facing away from me. I lay on my side facing him and i wrap my arms aroud his torso.
"Your warm this means nothing."
I lie. I just sit there for a minute focusing on his breathing and his warmth I nuzzle into his back. I fall back asleep.

(Author here these last two were hard to write, by the way if you just like reading gay fluff, deceit speaks in lies, excluding questions of course.(you can't lie while asking a question) thanks so much for reading I hope you liked it. 👋)

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