Coffee and honey 8

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(I'm currently editing the story and fixing plot holes so I made a change to this chapter and the timeline.- Nov. 1st. 2020)

Third person)))***
It's been a few weeks. Virgil healing up and... He's gotten slightly closer with Roman. In particular. Him doing things with virgil when the pain was killing him. I mean he died for a few minutes it's gonna hurt-. Right now it was another sleepy day virgil laying on Romans chest.

Virgil pov\\\

I wake up again next to Princy but this time I was lying on his chest while he was on his back. I don't remember cuddling him. I close my eyes again as I hear footsteps and a picture noise. I shoot up to see no one but I hear giggling down the hall and then a door slam shut. Im so gonna hunt Patton down and make him delete the picture.

"Ugh what time is it." The sleepy prince states and shifts with his eyes still closed so I get off of him.
He tugs at my sleeve.

"Nooo." He groggly pleads me to stay. I look around at the clock on the wall.

"Its 5 in the afternoon Princey." I face palm because I accidentaly said his nickname that I call him in my head out loud.

"Princey hmm?." He retorts as my face heats up.

"Hey let go of me and I'll give you something later." I say almost too coldly.

"Fiiine." He sighs and lets go of my sleeve and gets up. His bed head with his morning voice... Imma get hot just thinking about it. Uggh he's never gonna like me.

He pitys you. He only is being nice because if he dosent, it might effect Thomas.

Yeah I know.

"Virgil you okay?" I realize I had been staring at him for entirely to long.

"Oh.. Uh yeah I'm good. I was just thinking of a good idea to chase Patton." I stutter a couple times and he just smirks, seeing right through my lie.

"Well I'm going to make some coffee it seems like we all need some." He says sleepily. He wanders off the couch to the coffee pot and starts to make some Joe. I walk upstairs to my room, and practice my loud scary voice that only sometimes happens on command.
I walk out of my room and knock on Logan's door.

"Come on in Patton." He assumed.

"It's not Patton" I say as I open the door.

"Hello Virgil what can I do for you?" He asks turning to me from his open book.

"Can I have a blank flash card?" He gives me a confused look and hands me one. I look over to his desk at his pins, he hands me a pin. "I'll return the pin later Logan." And I walk out of the room I place the card on the wall and start writing.

Be Careful walking out of your room today for the sake of your phone I wouldn't. Come find me.
- the Bandersnatch
Delete the picture Patton.

I knew he would know it was me because he is the only one that knows I loooooovveeeee Alice in wonderland.
I walk over to his door and slide it under. I knock on the door and run down the stairs to the kitchen and I hear a scream come from Patton's room and I fall on the floor laughing, right next to romans feet.

"What did you do to Patton, Virge?" He kinda chuckles.

"Virge huh...?" I get out in between my laughs.

"y--eah I was t-rying to come up with a nickname for you. Do you like it?" He manages to studder out.

"Yeah I kinda like it." I say getting up off the floor and wiping the tears from my eyes. As I do he hands me a cup of coffee. I walk to the fridge and hand him the creamer while I reach for the honey.

"Really honey and coffee?" He chuckles

"What I like honey in my tea and I like black tea, they are almost the same. Try it." He hadn't put the creamer in yet so I hand him the honey. He rolls his eyes and pours some honey in and mixes it with a spoon. He hesitantly takes a sip and then runs over to the sink and spits it out. He coughs for a moment

"That. Was. awful. Here you get two cups, I'll make me another one." He says and hands me the cup. I look confused and take it from him while he gets another cup and adds creamer. I feel kinda bad but how was I suppose to know he wouldn't like it. I like it though.
I take a sip of my coffee as logan walked downstairs with, was that a hint of anger?
"What did you do to Patton?" He looks at me then Roman looks at me too.
"I warned him." I say smugly then take a sip of my coffee I slurp it loudly. Logan makes a face of annoyance and his eye twitches.
I hold back a laugh.
"Well Patton is under his bed holding a flashcard he keeps mummbling about a bandersnatch. Well if that was your goal I applaud you. But don't do that again." He keeps his normal face on through the entire sentence. As he walks out of the room.
"Hey logan wait do you want a cup of coffee i made a fresh pot." Roman yells to the other room.
Logan walks back into the kitchen. He pours a glass and then adds honey to it.... I look at Princy and close his hung open jaw as he stares at logan until he walks out of the room. I look at Princy and smirk and walk out of the room as well.
I walk back to my room and place one cup on my desk and keep the other in my hand as i try to hack into pattons Bluetooth in his room I see patton's is named daddums4321 and press on it it took me a couple tries but i got his password in no time "logie1234" I giggle as i connect to it and download a sound bite of bandersnatch"s growl.
I look out into the hall as i see Logan enter pattons room. I wait a moment then i hit play this time hearing 2 screams and a bang. I fall on the floor in the hall way just laughing so hard as i watch Princy run up the stairs with his sword in hand. I laugh even harder.

Romans pov/\\*****

I hear 2 loud screams and a bang I run up the stairs and enter pattons room with my sward drawn out in front of me. To my suprise I see logan sitting in a office chair but sideways on the ground with his glasses crooked and see patton scrambling under the bed. I hear a large amount of laughter coming from down the hall, jump into the hall to see Virgil spazzing out on the ground like he had seen the funniest comedian tell him 1000 jokes in funny voices. God hes so cute when he laughs. NOW IS NOT THE TIME ROMAN.
I turn back into the room and put my sword away helping Logan up and then Patton. Patton stays under the bed.
"Goodness what did you guys to to make Virgil prank you?" Patton just giggles from under the bed.
Logan fixes his glasses and his hair and looks at patton and shrugs.
Both me and logan walk out to see Virgil still laugh crying on the floor Logan gives him a mean stare which makes him laugh even harder. I walk over to him and offer my hand as he takes it still laughing. I just chuckle,

God he's cute.

(1231 words good god that was a lot of writing hope your enjoying it!- bandersnatch author)

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