everything is fine 40

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Logan pov\\\\\÷×+-=
Before i talk to deceit i needed to see if thomas was okay. Patton grabs me before i sink down.
"Hey Umm. Can i be the one to talk to dee? Me and him actually have grown to be pretty good friends." He studders.
"Patton... Im worried about you being so close with him. He is still a dark side and can literally only lie. You know that right?" He rolls his eyes at my worry.
"Yes captain obvious I know that?"
"My name is Logan." I state confused he rolls his eyes again.
"Really? Thats not in your cards? Seriously. Okay soon im going to have to go through those things." He smiles and kisses me. I blush and gently push him off.
"Fine but just be careful around deceit." I say still slightly worried. He nods.
I sink out to check on thomas and to inform him of the good news.

Thomas was sitting on the couch with joan that couldent see us. I notice them watching some Disney movie, probably due too princey being happy again.
I wave thomas over to me he notices and looks over. I wave him to come here. He looks at Joan.
"Brb." He says and gets up off the couch and down to the bathroom.
I follow behined him and join him in the smaller room.
"Yeah whats up?" He asks once we get inside.
"Good news and bad news but first how have you been feeling lately?" I ask. He thinks for a moment.
"Well you guys got it together but earlier my arm hurt like really bad. It burned, after a while the burn marks went away. And I want the bad news first." He says, I shake my head.
"Won't make sence if I don't tell you the good news first." He rolls his eyes at my response.
"Okay well what his it then?"
"Virgil has returned, he came back with no injuries from the naked eye. But when he arrived he said eveeything burned everywhere. On the inside. He passed out and we diddnt know what to do. That might be why your arm burned."
He shook his head.
"I dont think so. But i am very glad Virgil is back so things can get back to where they are suppose to be. Plus i really miss him." I nod in agreement at his statements, but now i have another mystery to solve.

(Fyi deceit can talk truthfulling inside his room. He can speak normally there and he dosent have to be in costume. He can only do this when his room is one the light sides partvof the mindscape)

Pattons pov\\\\\😸😺😸😻
I walk down the hallway with a paper bag in my hand. Yes I know i needed to get information out of him but he is so used to being bullied that I think he needs some love.
I approch his door with the wrapped present and knock.
"Dee? Its pat can I come in?" I hear the door click open. I push on it and enter. The room didnt have much light in it and deceit was sitting at his desk by the door. His eyes we're red and his human half was splotchy. He had been crying.

"Dee are you okay?" I ask worry filled in the statement. He looks up and shakes his head no. I walk over to hug him, he silently lets me, and i sit down on his bed.
"How about you talk to me about your problems and then the more you tell me the more I'll tell about the news we just got? How does that sound?" He looks up and covers his face in defeat.
"Okay... I dont like it here. I dont like it there either, but im a darkside so it hurts to stay, but I'll be beaten if i go.. How is that for telling you stuff?" He asks still covering his face.
"It was a start but i still need some more before I tell you anything." I pry at him. I want him to tell me a lot so he can stop dealing with it on his own.
"Ugh okay well. I was suppose to be helping the darksides. I am suppose to gather info and you guys and then report back. But ya know what! I dont wanna do that. I hate being a bad guy but guess what I am. Thomas hates lying so I'm useless and everyone hates me. I Look like a snake and there fore I'm scary." He sighs and gets up out of the chair to walk the room he looks at me expecting me to say something but i was lost in thought.
I didnt know he felt this way. Wow. I'm so stupid. Im such a bad father.
He snaps his hand in front of me. It was his human hand and not his snake hand. He still had a glove on that one.
"Oh. Oh right yeah umm. Virgil got back. Also my information is short but it has details to it. I want 2 more segments from you." I say he looks suprised that Virgil is back. "Please Dee continue." I say smiling. He nods.
"I feel so alone. My bestfriend hates me and I can't help him feel better. Theres no amount of lying that can help anyone thats depressed. I can't help Virgil of Logan hell i cant help anyone but thomas.... And he wont let me. Sure him just talking to me is a step up but you guys are never gonna treat me as a equal." He stops walking and lays down on the floor signaling that it was time for me to speak.
"Virgil was hurt and burning from the inside out. Your turn again." He stays silent for a minute then sighs again.
"My crush is dating my best friend and i confessed to him. After words I found out my best friend doesn't even trust me." He sighs again, i look up wishing there was more i could tell him.
"Virgil was shaking and sweating, his dark voice was the only thing he could use. He passed out, no one knows why he felt that way. He wasn't attacked.
Anyway I want to talk to you about your problems. Dee I care about you i really do. I wanna be your friend. Can we be friends?" I ask hopeful his face looks confused.
"You.. You care about me?" He asks. The statement breaks my heart.
"Yes i care about you ya silly snake!" I giggle a little he smiles a small smile. "Theres another thing I need to ask you about though. Do you know why Virgil would feel like he was being burned from the inside?"
"Oh Yeah he will be fine soon, the burning is caused by him being with the darksides for so long. It effects neutral sides in a bad way. The whole burning thing only lasts for a couple of days and for virgil maybe one day." He says clearing up and telling me exactly what I needed to hear. I get up and hug him.
"I need to tell the other about the burning but trust me i wont share any other information. How about we have a movie marathon tommorow? Just you and me." I smile my big old wide smile he slightly smiles back.
"Sure that sounds fun." He says.
"Yay! Okay tommorow night?" He nods at me i pat him on the shoulder and hug him again. Then walk out to the hall way, i left the bag on the bed, it had a small snake plushie in it. I walk down the hall to tell logan of my new info.

(Sorry the chapters are taking so long to write. See you in the next one guys gals and non binary pals peace out.) 👋

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