cold 43

999 37 31

(This is literally right after the last chapter btw)

Virgils pov\\\\

"I want it so I can make a cold snowy place that i can go. I hate snow but I'm burning up." He nods at me. "Y'all can come too but I'm probably gonna stay there until I'm normal."

"Okay love ill go grab it and I'll help ya make it. I have a idea." He says and sits up from his position on the bed. He grabs my hand.
"Come on gloom toon." He says leaping up.

"Okay okay delusional. Calm down." We stand up and walk out of the room and down stairs. I really didn't like wearing this in public. I cover my hand over my face as he drags me out to the living room and down the hall to the imagination door.

I didn't care to look who was in the commons but i hear remy whistel, i grew even redder.

We stop out side the door. Roman places his hand on the door and closes his eyes to focus. After about a minute he places his hand on the door knob turning it.

When the door opens i see the top of a mountain covered in snow. In the middle there is a kazzeebo. It had a couch, a been bag chair, a tv, and a bed. The cold rushes out the door hitting me in the face. It felt do inviting.

"Perfect. But you will need a jacket." I say feeling super relaxed. He snaps his fingers and is instantly in a big puffy jacket. The jacket was white with red and gols accents. I walk in not changing my clothes. My feet seem to melt the snow under me. Its like they were lava melting the snow.

"Okay how did i not burn you?" I say walking into the kazzeebo. He shrugs. "Wait! Did i hurt you?!" I ask sounding like a crazy person.

"Okay calm down the only way you can hurt me is by looking to cute for this fucking world." I blush more if that was possible.
"Okay do you wanna just chill here or do you wanna talk to logan. He really is itching for a interview type thing. And if you want i wont stay I'll just let you two talk. I really need to get back to thomas anyway." He asks trying to be polite as possible. I walk back towards him.

"You are hiding something, what is it?" I ask pulling him to my face as if we were going to kiss.

"I just really hate that i cant spend more time with you, thomas really needs me though." He talks confidently but i could tell he was hiding something. I pull him into the kiss it was a long kiss but it was just sweet.

"Okay fine go grab Logan." I say after words as if none of that happened. He schoffs.

"Oh im so gonna get you back once your healed just you wait, just you wait." He sings the last part quoting Hamilton. I laugh and walk to sit down on the couch

He walks out leaving the door open. I hear some steps in the snow. I assume its logan.

"Hey can we talk?" Remy asks startling me a little by the diffrent voice.

"Oh remy.. Im sorry about the voice. Yeah we can talk, but you might wanna wear something heavier than that." I say as he walks onto the kazzeebo. He shakes his head.

"Nah imma leave when logan gets here so you two can talk. Anyway, i have a bit of a problem." He says sitting in the bean bag chair. I sit up and look at him he sighs.

"I like someone." He says leaning back into the chair for mental support.

"Really? Who?" I was trying to figure out if it would be picani.

"Dee, i cant belive i like that snake bastard." Remy groans as i gasp.

"Wow i was expecting picani, why did you tell me i didnt think you would like me enough for that." I was surprised.

"Well if i lied he would know remember." I nod when i realise he was right.

"So what did you need help with?" I ask confused to why he came to me.

"I need less anxiety to tell him can you do that, can you like manipulate anxiety? Like i just need enough mental stability to say words." I think for a moment.

"Umm yeah i think i can but I really cant right now. Like i literally dont think i can leave until this fucking nightmare ends." I say truthfully trying to help with not telling deceit. Remy sighs.

"Okay i can wait until ya feel better but you better hurry up bitch." He says with no signs of sarcasm.

"Why did we stop hanging out?" I ask. Me and remy used to be like super close because me and him are both neutrals. We stopped being friends when thomas was in high school.

"It might be because anxiety and sleep are complete polar opposites, and maybe it was because of the sleeping at the wheel incident. Who knows, also how are you dealing with the burning. I stayed in my room when i moved here so idk how you are handling it so well." He says, then I realise why he was being so distant when he moved in, he was burning too.

"Ohhhhhhh thats why you- oh. Sometimes i forget we are both neutral sides. Well deceit says i am the most powerful neutral so I guess it takes less of a toll on me." I say, i hear more steps cruch on the snow. I turn to see logan in a fluffy jacket.

"Oh good remy your here, i needed to ask you some questions too." He says getting closer to the kazzeebo.

(Short chapter sorry, i just really am not feelin that great soooooo see ya guys gals and non binary pals in the next one -bandersnatch) ✌

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