secrets 16

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Romans pov\\\\\\****
I just dont understand he fucks me then stops talking to me for 3 days! What the hell man. Ive tried to talk to him, ive tried texting, called. Why the hell is he avoiding me and patton he Haden come out of his room in days and he only let logan in. I just dont understand, me and patton pryed at logan but he wouldn't tell us anything.
Fine that settles it if he dosent come out of his room im going and pretending to be logic.
I see Logan go into vees room so i dart into Logan's I have about 3 minutes to get anything i need and head out.
I grab a extra set of glasses a blue necktie a button black shirt and some of logans pants and head out barley missing Logan.
I sink into my room and put on tge clothes and glasses, i practice Logan's usual deminer and try to thing of big nerdy words i hear him use. Imatating his voice. I peek out my door and head to anxietys room. I knock
"Who is it?" He sounds shakey.
"Come in." I walk in to see him under a million blankets and pillows surrounding him like in a Fort. I hold back a smile.
"What is it we already had our meeting." He spits out coldly
"About the meeting, everyone is getting suspicious, they attacked me and tried to get me to tell them what your predicament is."
"Logan we talked about this, until deceits curse goes away. Im. not. leaving. I cant let them see me like this. Ive already told you to much." I hold back my confusion.
"virgil I -"
"Why did you start calling me Virgil again. What is up with you?"
"Patton TRIED TO STANGLE ME! I can't just keep sneaking around like this. Just lie or something."
"Roman stop pretending to be logan to get answers out of me." He shakes his head. And comes out of his fort to come closer to me.
"What are you doing im Logan."
"Im kissing You Roman." He leans in and kisses me and lets go.
"Don't ask questions" he looks at me firmly and angerly. "Roman i promise there is nothing seriously wrong and im not cheating on you with logan, i cant tell you what happend because of reasons, I'm sorry that this... THING! Happend at such a strange time. Look at me.
Theres nothing strange going on and i will tell you what happend when this is over okay?" He looks at me to respond. I sigh.
"Okay." I say walking out of the room. I hear the door lock behined me. Ugggh i wish he would just tell me.

Virgils pov\\\\\\
That was too close. Let me explain.
So deceit cursed me to only tell the truth, but i don't want to so I simply just dont talk which was fine until this thing happened. I was sitting in my room after logan had left scrolling through tumblur and reading prinxiety fluff and I knock over my drink on my bed side table, but it dosent spill because i had almost caught it. But my hand diddent my mind did, it was glowing with a purple aura around it was just stuck there in mid air, glowing and when I tried to grab it, the glow stopped dropping the water back into the cup.
I called logan in and he about had a mental breakdown saying it wasnt good, for any of us. So I decided that for the sake of not spilling all my secrets ill stay in my room until i can lie again.
But I just....... Can't anymore everyone is worried and thomas keeps acting stranger and stranger.

"Fine!" My dark voice slips out. I had stayed in my room for another day after roman dressed up like Logan. I decided i was going to go out of my room. I open the door and walk down the hall to see if anyone was there, logan Patton and roman were all sitting on the couch, watching some Disney movie, the movie had recently ended and Roman got up to change the movie out. I walk down the stairs, everyone looks up at me.
"Okay I have one rule before we go any further. No questions absolutely none or I will walk straight back to my room and lock the door." I say very strictly before anyone had the chance to speak.
Patton gets up and runs over to me hugging me.
"I thought you turned" he whispers tears threating to spill out of his eyes. Every one nods at my rule.
"So are you gonna tell us what happend?" Roman instantly covers his mouth knowing he broke the rule. Logan gives me a worried look.
"Not yet" i say shrugging and sitting on the couch leaving room for Princy. Patton sits next to me and logan sits down next to patton leaving room for Princy next to me. Logan gives me a look of worry and signals with his eyes to go to the kitchen. Then he gets up and walks there. I follow behined him.
"What what is it?" I whisper yell/ask. He starts pacing
"Its not safe, its not safe for anyone here. Virgil we dont know how to deal with this!" He gets to loud on the last sentence and i shush him silently. My anxiety kicks up, logan stares a my eyes in fright.
"Hey are you guys good in there!" Patton asks from the living room.
"Fine just getting some popcorn." Logan states for us both. He looks around the kitchen franticly. I stare down at my hands they had small purple flames emmiting from them. I start panicking more blowing on them so they would go out. ...... It wasn't working. Logan hands me a knife and puts it up to my face to see my eyes flaring a light neon purple.
"Hurry up guys I got in the movie."
Roman says. We hear footsteps I frantically hide my self with door of the fridge, hiding my hands in my pockets. He walks in.
"What is taking so long?" I turn and answer him.
"I got my powers and ive been hiding it from you guys and deceit gave me a,curse to say the truth and logans helping me, he was scholding me because i cant be out of my room because my powers are dangerous!" Logan throws his glasses as i cover my mouth with my flaming hand.

(Welp okie dokey)✋

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