Wounded | Seiya X Reader

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(Y/N)'s pov

After being through a big number of battles, Seiya has gotten a few big wounds in various parts of his body. Saori then asked me to take him home and take care of him.

Now Seiya is sitting in his bed, while I'm sitting next to him and wrapping bandages around his arm. He looks at the bandages with a disgusted look. I can see he doesn't want to be here with someone taking care of him. "How long am I going to keep these?" he asks as I'm done wrapping the bandages.

"Probably a few days", I reply. "I mean, maybe even more than a week, judging by how hurt you are."

"More than a week?! But I have more important things to do than stay in bed for that long! What if new enemies show up?!"

"Then your friends will take care of them", I sigh. "It's not that big of a deal." I get up from the bed and walk out of the room. "I'll be right back, I have to tell the others about your 'horrible' condition." Seiya sighs loudly and falls backwards on his bed. I can't help but smile. He's cute when he acts dramatic. It should happen more often.

Saori, the rest of the bronze saints and my friend Miho are waiting for me in the living room. Miho raises her head to me as I come. "So, how is he doing?" she asks with a concerned look.

"Physically, he should be okay", I answer. "But his mood is something else. He's super mad at us for putting him in his room". The two girls and some of the boys chuckle at my words. Who would expect any less of Seiya after all?

"Maybe it would be best if someone watches him", says an amused Shiryu. "Knowing him, he'll probably try to escape sooner or later without caring about his own wounds."

"Does any of you guys want to deal with a childish Seiya for days?" I ask. "If none of you do, I don't mind doing it."

"I think Seiya will like it best if it's you", Hyoga tells me. I frown at his words. Usually, Miho is the one to look after Seiya when he's wounded. Especially since she's been his friend for many years.

"Ok", I shrug. "Then I guess I should probably go back. All of you guys should get some sleep too", I say to the other saints. They all nod and get out of the house, but I'm sure they're not even going to rest anyway. 'But I feel perfectly fine', they always say. Men and their pride...

As soon as the saints and the girls are gone, I go back to Seiya's room. But when I open the door, I see his bed empty. Seiya is in the window, about to leave the house through it.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask, crossing my arms against my chest. My voice seems to startle Seiya, who lets out a high pitched scream and falls back on the floor of the room. I chuckle as he groans and gets back up.

"Thanks", he says sarcastically. "Now it hurts even more."

I walk up to him and grab his arm to take him back to his bed. "According to you Seiya, when someone forces you into your bed with bandages, what is the purpose of it?"

"All of you should still stop worrying about me for just a few scratches."

"A few scratches? Man, have you seen yourself lately?" I lay him down on the bed again, making sure to cover his body with the covers. "Trust me dude, if I see you trying to escape again, I'll hurt you on purpose so I can be sure you'll stay here."

"Ugh, fine", he moans. "You're giving me a headache anyway. I'm gonna stay here for now."

"I'm going to get you something to calm your headache", I say as I close the window. "I'll be back in two seconds, so don't even think of trying to escape this time." I close the door quietly, leaving Seiya alone in the room.

Seiya's pov

I can tell (Y/N) doesn't trust me when I'm hurt. But right now I can hardly even move. I hope she's happy, I won't be able to reach the window until I feel better. And if she's smart, she'll find a way to lock the window to make sure I don't escape.

The door opens again and (Y/N) appears. She's holding a glass of water that she must have put some medicine into. "Here, take this", she says in a soft tone of voice as she hands me the glass.

I take the glass, making sure not to spill any of what's in it, and drink all of it. "Thank you", I mumble, putting the empty glass on my nightstand. As I lay back down in my bed, I see (Y/N) sit down against the wall in the other corner of the room, starting to read a book. She's probably not going to leave until she's sure I'm asleep.

|4 hours later|

(Y/N)'s pov

The sky is starting to get dark. It's probably around 7 pm now. I look at Seiya, who hasn't moved from his bed. "Seiya?" I whisper. He doesn't move or answer, so I guess he's asleep already. Maybe I should sleep too. I'm exhausted. But I should also stay here to look after Seiya. What do I do...?

Without making any noise, I get out of the house. I need to go back to my own house to get a sleeping bag or something like this. Luckily, my house is very close to Seiya's, so I can go on foot.

When I come back with a sleeping bag in my arms, I'm relieved to see that Seiya is still in his bed. As I put the bag on the floor, I don't take my eyes off him. I've been told it's rude to look at people when they're sleeping, but I can't help it. I don't think I've ever seen him sleep before. His lips are slightly pouted and his cheeks look a little chubbier. He's so darn cute.

Ok, (Y/N), stop it. It's weird.

I lay down in my sleeping bag and fall asleep. I don't know if it's a good thing, but I think I'm going to get used to days like this.

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