Chapter 40: Permissions

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A/N: Sooo on where Lia and Andrew are going for Spring Break. I was going to choose Disney, but my friends literally wanted to scold me when she heard about me choosing that, so instead I'm going with the option my friends recommended me so.....hope you enjoy!

All the interns were paged to the helipad. We were in the elevator and Amy said "Why were we all paged?!" I said "How many patients is there?" Nick said "There's gotta be at least three of them" Kara nodded and said "But the important question is what did they do?" Andrea said "Shut up we're here!" The elevator door opened and we all stepped outside. We saw my Dad and Aunt Amelia there. I asked "What's the status???" Aunt Amelia said "On route Apparently the man was on a plane and now he can't walk!" Kara said "Wow...." Nick said "Any reason yet???" Dad shook his head and said "Will know more when he lands" After waiting on the helicopter, the rescue team showed up and carefully dismounted the gurney carrying the man off the helicopter. The paramedic said "25 year old man, paralyzed from the waist down. He was on the plane returning from Hawaii to Seattle" Dad examined the man and said "Sir, I'm Dr. Shepherd were you walking when you got on the plane???" He said "I was walking on the plane and now I can't feel my legs!" Aunt Amelia said "What's your name???" The man answered "It's Charlie!" Aunt Amelia nodded and said "We will do everything we can Charlie" Dad and Aunt Amelia wheeled him in and we followed closely behind them. The elevator landed and we got off with the patient and Aunt Amelia said "We need an MRI!" Nick said "MRI is out, The old lady in room 0145 broke it" Dad said "Damn it! What can we do in the meantime" I said "We can do an initial workup of LP, CBC and electrolytes?" Aunt Amelia said "Excellent and what else?" Kara said "We can get his copper, vitamin B12 and vitamin E levels too" Aunt Amelia said "Perfect let's get to work people!" We all spread out and began working on Charlie.

It was the next day, we still didn't know why he was paralyzed. I was doing a work up on him and he said "Am I going to be paralyzed forever?" I said "It's to early to tell..." Charlie sighed and said "I don't get it.... I was fine, I walked on the plane and then I just couldn't move!" I sighed and said "Your case is really unusual can you tell me what you did that day?" Charlie said "Well I drank a lot the night before, but I didn't fall.... I ate breakfast, went to the beach and took a beginners surfing class before I left" I nodded and said "Interesting...." A nurse came in and said "Dr. Grey-Shepherd, Dr. Derek Shepherd and Dr. Amelia Shepherd have requested all the interns to report to him" I nodded and said "I'll be right back Charlie..." I left the room and headed towards the conference room. 

When I got to the conference room, headed inside and saw all the interns sitting there. I sat next to Amy and Dad said "I have requested you here, because this case is unusual... We need your help to solve this case. Hit the books, research old case, just help find this man a cure" Aunt Amelia said "That's your job today..." We all nodded and left the conference room and went to do some research. I was sitting down reading, I was born with a photographic memory and it was easy to read these. But none of them made sense with Charlie's symptoms or description of what happened that day. I went to the area of old case studies of Hawaii. I grabbed some old cases and began reading. After 30 minutes, there was one case that was similar to presentation of Charlie's symptoms. I asked the librarian if I could take the file and she allowed me to take it. I went to Andrew's office and began looking for other cases like the one which presents the same symptoms as Charlie. After searching for a while, I didn't notice the door opening revealing my boyfriend. He closed the door and smiled as he saw me. He went behind the chair were I was sitting and kissed my temple. He said "Hey...What are you researching???" I said "This guy is presenting with paralysis from the waist down and it doesn't make sense. He was walking on the plane just fine and now he can't walk...." Andrew nodded and said "Hmm what do you think it could be" I sighed and said "I have no idea! All these cases don't make sense! I've read about 135 cases and none match the description of what he did that day!" Andrew said "Ceci... Calm down... Breathe" I took a deep breathe and then he said "What's the case and presentation?" I said "Well he's a 25 year old man presented with paralysis from the waist down. He didn't fall or anything, he ate breakfast, went to the beach and took a beginners surfing class before getting on the plane!" Andrew said "Wait did you say beginners surfing class?" I nodded and said "Yeah why?" Andrew told me to move and I did and he said "I remember reading about this unusual case in Hawaii about a man presenting with paralysis from the waist down and it linked to a surfing class" He was typing the description and he said "There it is! Surfer's myelopathy! It's a spinal cord injury caused by a hyperextension in the back" My eyes widen and I said "Is there any case studies in the research library???" Andrew nodded and said "Yeah it's in the Hawaii section, 3 column, 5th file I think..." I smiled and said "This is why I love you!" I leaned in and gave him a kiss before pulling away and said "Thank you!" He laughed and said "Your welcome" I left his office and went to the research library.

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