Chapter 49: The day of the intern test

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Lia's POV

It was 3 in the morning.... I was in the last page of the last testbook. I had studied like crazy.... I wanted to get the test over with not only so I could stop reading these textbooks, but so I could tell my parents about Andrew. Its been 10 months, it's time to finally tell my family, but before everything I need to finish reading the textbook. After reading the textbook, I went to sleep since I had a long day awaiting me. The next day when I woke up, I realized I was late and I had only 45 minutes before the test. I immediately went to the bathroom and got dressed. After getting ready, I got my stuff before heading to the hospital. I was driving on the roads like a maniac. When I finally got to the hospital, I rushed inside. I could feel the stares, as I turned to the tunnels to catch my breath. In the tunnels, I saw Andrew waiting for me sitting in a gurney with a cereal and coffee. I smiled and said "Thank the lord.... How did you?!" Andrew said "When your stressed you always head to the tunnels...." I said "You know me to well...." I kissed him quickly before I sat next to him and began eating the cereal and coffee he got me. While eating Andrew asked "Did you eat breakfast or did you rush here?" I shook my head and said "I only had a few minutes to get ready since I overslept..." He nodded, but I was just glad to have him there with me. After eating, I still had 7 minutes left. I sighed and said "I'm nervous.... The test I memorized every single textbook I own....." Andrew sighed and said "I know your going to do great.... You have studied for this test, I know you will do great...." I sighed and said "How do you know? I mean... if I fail we won't be able to tell my parents about us...." Andrew sighed and said "So that's what's this anxiety is about....Lia focus on the intern test... pass or fail we will tell you parents about us.... I have no doubt... you will pass, before I got to know you... you were the intern that showed the most promise... I didn't choose you for the solo surgery because I knew you would had been able to do it.... You are incredibly smart and you will pass. I have no doubt about it..." I smiled and said "Thank you Andy for everything...." Andrew smiled and said "Your welcome...." I looked at my watch and said "Damn it the test is about to begin...." Andrew nodded and said "Go to the examination room...Good luck, I love you..." I smiled and said "Thank you and I love you too...." I brushed my lips quickly against his and left to the examination room. When I got there, there was a seat open next to Kara. When she saw me she said "You ready?" I nodded and sat down next to her. After waiting a few minutes, the examiner began saying "Hello interns... welcome to the United States Medical Licensing Examination... this is your Step 3... this part consists of an examination of 7 hours approximately.... including 45 minutes of break time and 233 multiple-choice items divided into six blocks of 38-40 items; 60 minutes are allotted for completion of each block of test items. Good luck to all of you and you may begin." I opened my test book, with my pencil in hand and answer sheet, I began the United States Medical Licensing Exam Step 3.

Andrew's POV

After seeing Lia, I headed to the pit where Hunt was waiting for me. I saw a lot of attendings there and said "What the hell happened...." Hunt said "A man kidnapped two girls and kept them locked in his basement..." I shook my head at the disgusting man and said "Alright what else...." Hunt said "The girls to save themselves set the house on fire..." I nodded and said "What's my patient?" Hunt sighed and said "Your with me in trauma 1.... I'm not sure if your going to like this patient but it's our job..." We went to trauma room 1 and I looked shocked at the middle aged man, he had almost no hair, large shoulders and a stomach. He was restrained and Hunt said "Robert Corson...48 year old man, he was in the explosion in the house...." I rolled my eyes when I realized who we were helping. I looked at Hunt and said "You expect me to save the life of this man when he kidnapped 2 innocent girls!" Hunt said "Toughen up DeLuca.... You have an oath to serve..." I sighed and said "I know I have to....." We went over and Hunt said "It's a bad day for the interns to be taking a test" I nodded and said "Yeah it is...." I saw Helm enter the room and I said "Helm present!" Helm said "Oh right.... I haven't done this in a while.... Robert Corson, 48 years old, after doing a abdominal CT we diagnosed him with a internal bleed, the source we don't know yet, but an OR is booked and ready for both of you to scrub in...." Hunt said "Alright then Helm you'll scrub in with both of us....." Helm nodded and left the room with the man who was still restrained. I sighed and Hunt said "Andrew are you okay to scrub in.... This brings back memories from last year so I can understand why you don't want to...." I shook my head and said "Have Grey in the gallery... if I were to go south, but for now I'm sure I can do this surgery successfully...." Hunt nodded and we both headed our separate ways. He went to prep for the surgery and I went to find Meredith...

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