King Egbert x Female Swordwrath Reader

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Character doesn't belong to me. Credits to KingEgbert21 for most stuff. As I said, I accept fanmade characters.

Anyways, enjoy the story.

Your POV

Things ain't going good for me.

Its been a few years since Order conquered us. Honestly, while all the other Swordwraths enjoy the Order's reign, I hated it.

Its like you took away every bit of freedom that we once had. The Swordwraths were now the main army of the Order Empire.

This meant we were in almost every battle. We had to face off against other empires like Chaos and the Elementals.

Many died in the numerous battles we fought. But they said something about it being an act of loyalty or something.

However, I really found it bloody and foolish. I hated the Order Empire. I mean, seriously. What kind of people just go around conquering nations?

While most Swordwraths were always at war, I used my time to research and explore.

I kind off used my gender as an advantage. Since Im a girl, no one expects me to fight much. Great! More time for myself then.

While rumaging through some books, a random thought popped into my head:
What if there was more beyond Inamorta?

What if there were other empires out there? What if other wars are taking place? Are there other nations not conquered by any empire?

It was this that triggered me to start hanging around the Swordwrath territory more.

I left early in the morning to start venturing out into areas untouched by Swordwraths and Order.

While I was in one of my journeys, I spotted a small cave near a mountain. Out of curiousity, I decided to go there.

Only one problem. Its already near night time. It was getting darker. The other Swordwraths might start looking for me.

But I heard sounds coming from the cave. "Hmm, what should I do?" I asked myself. "Explore a cool looking cave or head back to the Swordwraths-"

After thinking, I decided to check out the cave. No one will really notice me anyway.

So I climbed the mountain and reached the cave. The sounds were more like voices. "Is there an Eclipsor in here?" I thought.

I crept closer to the cave. I peeked inside. There was someone in it. He had black skin, white eyes, a crown, and a red cape.

At first, I thought it was some alternate version of Atreyos. I decided to leave the guy alone.

But while leaving, I tripped. I look a to see a giant beetle looking at me. Out of instinct, I screamed and tried to shove the beetle away.

Obviously, I caught the attention of the guy in the cave. He ran outside and saw me. I didn't care as the beetle tried to bite my leg off.

"Grrr, stupid bug!" I gave a final push and it got off my foot. The guy just watched.

"Hey, you're not even gonna help me!" I growled at him. The beetle came charging back.

"Of course Im not going to help you! You invaded my house and started a fight with a giant beetle!" The guy screamed at me.

"Ok, geez." I said as I stab the beetle with my sword, killing it. I look at the guy after pushing away the dead insect.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in the Swordwrath territory?" I asked the man.

"Well, what are you doing here late at night?" He answered back. I scoffed. "I saw your cave here so I decided to check it out." I replied.

"Now answer my questions." I demanded. The guy growled at me. But he did what I said.

"The name's King Egbert, leader of the Antopia Empire." The guy answered. "I lived here ever since my empire was destroyed."

I froze. "Wait, there's another empire out there?!" I asked. King Egbert glared. "Of course! You really think that only 3 empires exist?"

I shrugged. "But you said something about the Antopia Empire. Whats that?" You asked.

"Im not telling you. You're just like those barabaric Swordwraths who fight with Order." King Egbert said as he went back to the cave.

"Fine." I look at the sky. It was getting darker by the minute. I needed to head back.

"I need to go now." I said to King Egbert. "Its getting dark." I started to make my way down the mountain.

When I got down, I looked at King Egbert as he stood outside his cave, watching me.

"I'll come back tomorrow!" I waved as I hurried along the woods and ran back to my house. Hopefully, no one noticed that I was gone.

King Egbert POV

The girl ran back to the rest of the Swordwraths. I watched as she waved at me before disappearing into the woods.

She's different from the other Swordwraths. I think I like her-

Wait. Heck no. I don't like her. She's just some Swordwrath I met. I can't like her on the first day we met.

But she's interesting though. I should keep an eye on her...

I change into my E forme so that I can fly after her. I did so and tried to find her home.

But I really wish I knew her name.

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