Atreyos!Tsundere x Male Spearton Reader

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Requested by FaithSofiaLuzande

Honestly, I was not entirely sure what a tsundere is but I tried.

Normal POV

You were just finished training with your friends. By friends, you meant a few Shadowraths.

You preferred to train in their place because it was more peaceful. Unlike in the Spearton arena which was very chaotic almost everyday.

So you were walking home right now. The Shadowraths had to do something so you were alone.

On your way, it was quiet, except for the sound of Albowtross flying. Soon, you got tired and decided to rest somewhere.

You were currently in the Archidon territory's forest so it was easy to find a place to chill. You found a spot to rest at under a tree.

When you thought you were alone, you heard a voice. "Ugh, why don't Archidons just put a road here?! Grrrr, its so hard to walk here."

You stood up and get your shield and spear ready. "Who's there?" You demanded. The sounds stopped. You were confused. Maybe you were hearing things.

But then, a spear was thrown in your direction. Luckily, it barely missed and hit the tree.

You look at the spear on the tree but face in front of you again. Only to come face to face with a Spearton with a red cape. You recognize him immediately.

"GAH! Prince Atreyos! Um, I didn't know you were here, so uhh-" You stuttered as you bowed before the leader of the Speartons.

Atreyos scoffed. "For a moment, I thought Kytchu ran after me." He said as he went to the tree and pulled out his spear before looking back at you.

"Why are you here anyway?" He asked. "Uh, I was on my way back to Spearton territory." You replied.

Atreyos nodded. "Why are you here?" You questioned. "I was visiting my sister, Kytchu." He answered.

He then starts to walk away but he gets slowed down when his cape gets caught between low branches.

"Grrr, stupid trees." He mutters as he struggles to get through. You thought it was rather funny but you held back your laugh.

Atreyos continued walking but this time he slipped in mud. You started snickering quietly to prevent him from hearing you.

But the Spearton glared at you. "Stop laughing!" He growled as he managed to get up. "Its not like you could do any better."

"Um, Atreyos, you're standing in the muddy part. Thats why you're slipping. You should have went to the drier path." You told him.

"Is there even a drier path?" He mumbled. You nodded. "Yea, I've been here multiple times. I'll show you." You said as you gestured him to follow you.

You led Atreyos to the drier path. All the while you could hear him muttering about how he would complain to Kytchu about the mud.

Atreyos caught up with you and walked by your side. You felt awkward since he was the leader of the Speartons and you were just a regular Spearton.

You felt even weirder when he held your hand. You look away and start walking a bit slower.

Atreyos looked at you. "You ok?" He asked. You nodded. "Yea, just..." You paused to think of what to say.

"Just what?" Atreyos said. "Um, just uncomfortable." You replied. He smirked. "Why? Is my presence threatening?" He asked.

You nodded with a nervous smile. Atreyos rolled his eyes. "I don't bite. Seriously, I won't hurt you unless you turned on me or something." He said.

You sighed and continued walking. Soon, the trees started becoming fewer. You knew you were almost out of the Archidon territory.

"Watch out." You heard Atreyos say. But you didn't reach fast enough and an arrow hit the side of your helnet. You pull it out and try to find who it came from.

You hear sounds coming from a bush. Then, an Archidon kid came out. He looked at you shyly. "Sorry. That was my arrow." He said before running back into the woods.

You shrugged and look at Atreyos. "I said watch out." He chuckled. "Well next time warn me sooner." You scoff. "Anyways, we're out of the woods. I guess we can go our separate ways now."

"Why? We're literally going to the same place." Atreyos told you. You froze. "Wait, you want to stay with me?" You asked.

Atreyos slightly blushed. "What? No, I just want to, um, enjoy your company first." He stuttered. "That means the same thing as wanting to stay with me." You said.

Atreyos scoffed. "Fine, whatever you say." He then walks ahead of you. You shrugged and followed him.


You finally reached Atreyos' castle. You were about to go but Atreyos grabbed your hand.

"Before you go, mind if I know you're name?" He asked. You look at him. "Y/N, why?" You replied.

He nodded but you could see him blush. "Nothing." He said. "Maybe we can hang out again some other time?"

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like me." You smiled. Atreyos instantly looked away.

"Umm, bye Y/N. Gotta go." He said before disappearing into the castle. You look in confusion but start walking home. This day was something to remember.

Atreyos POV

I messed up. I messed up badly. I can't believe I was so stupid to just walk away. I shrug it off and go to my room. But I only had Y/N in my head.

"So, who's the guy?" I froze and look behind me. It was non other than my sister Kytchu.

"So you were following me home." I told her. She nodded. "Yeah, and I saw everything." She smirked.

I growl at her. "Just shut up and don't tell Xiphos or Lavish about this." I said. Kytchu chuckled. "Whatever you say, brother." She smiled.

"But seriously, I know you have a crush on that Spearton guy." I look away but she was right.

I wanted to see Y/N again.

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