Petra x Juggerknight Reader Part 2

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Your POV

Marrowkai and I made a run for it and did our best to avoid the soldiers from Order that were invading our empire's land.

We were planning to hide in the Crawler Forest until we have a plan to get our land back.

The Crawlers aren't much of a threat and the foliage will be enough to conceal us. Hopefully, it will be enough to keep us safe.

Order will immediately know that we're gone, since they may be looking for Marrowkai or Petra, so they might start searching for us right away.

Once we got there, we set up a small camp, though it was only for Petra because me and Marrowkai knew she might not be comfortable with sleeping in the woods.

While Marrowkai tried to hunt, I looked after Petra while she was sleeping. She seemed so calm and peaceful, even if her mother died and her empire is gone.

I sigh as I put my hand on Petra's sleeping head. A few Crawlers walked up to us but after sniffing, they would run off back into the forest.

Heh, they're just animals. They don't know what happened to the Chaos Empire. I thought.

Marrowkai came back. Sadly, he didn't bring back any food because he said all the food he found were decaying or dead bodies of animals.

"We'll just find something in the morning, I guess." I said. "Alright. I'll start thinking of a plan. You watch Petra." Marrowkai replied.

I felt Petra moving. I look at her as she was slowly waking up. "Y/N, where are we?" She asked, sleepily.

"Shhh, we're in the Crawler Forest now. Don't worry, we're safe. Just go back to sleep, princess." I reassured the young Gorgon.

Petra yawned and did what I told her. She easily drifted back to her sleep. I look into the dark and cloudy sky, with its stars twinkling weakly.

Everything will be ok. I said to myself. We'll get it back. Medusa will be avenged and Order will pay for what they have done.

I lay down beside Petra. Juggerknights don't need sleep but right now, I could really use a nap. Just a short nap to clear my head.

When I woke up, the forest was a bit brighter. The very little sunlight that came from the sky lit up the surrounding trees and plants.

I heard footsteps approach us. I figured it was Marrowkai coming back to explain his newly thought out plan.

But the footsteps sounded heavy. Marrowkai barely made a sound when he walked. It was the light tapping noise of his staff that always let me know that he was nearby.

I heard a gasp and I looked at the stranger. It was a Shadowrath. I immediately stood up and prepared my axe and shield.

"So this is where you were hiding." The Shadowrath said. "Marrowkai might not be here but King Zarek will be happy with Petra."

I defensively went in front of Petra, who was still sleeping soundly. "You are not laying a single finger on her." I growled.

"Her bodyguard, huh? Not a problem. I can beat a Juggerknight with my eyes closed." The Shadowrath got into a fight stance.

He striked first, trying to hit me with his blade. But I easily blocked off his first attacks with my shield.

I wasn't sure if I should start attacking. If I did, Petra would be unguarded and if someone else was out there, they can kidnap her.

So I just did my best to block off the Shadowrath's attacks and stop him from getting too close to the princess.

"What's wrong with you? Why won't you fight back?" The Shadowrath taunted. "Are you scared, you coward?"

I didn't let him get to me. Protecting Petra is more important than fighting back against a Shadowrath.

My enemy soon stopped. He went into a familiar pose and I knew what he was going to do next. I quickly grab Petra as the Shadowrath uses shinobi to turn invisible.

Holding Petra in my arms, I look in all directions to try to spot my opponent. But it didn't work and the Shadowrath started landing fatal hits on me.

Thankfully, none of it went to Petra. I groaned in pain as I felt myself start to collapse. The Shadowrath then appears in front of me.

"Now, if you excuse me, I'll just end your life, take the Gorgon, and be on my way." He said as he got his blade ready to kill me. I was too weak to defend myself.

But then, a skeletal hand comes out from the ground and grabs the Shadowrath. "What the?!" He growled as he struggled to escape the hand's grip.

I look behind him to see Marrowkai using Hellfists to hold down my attacker. "What are you waiting for?" Marrowkai asked. I came back to my senses and got my axe to deal the final blow.

With that, the Shadowrath's dead body fell on the ground. I panted as Marrowkai pulled his hand back and walked towards me.

"Is Petra ok?" He questioned. I nodded and showed him Petra, who was still in my arms, waking up.

"Y/N? Whats going on?" Petra asked. I shook my head. "Just doing my job." I replied as I put her down.

"You're injured! Marrowkai, we need help!" Petra told the skeleton mage. Marrowkai nodded.

"Yes. And with the disappearance of the Shadowrath, the rest of thw empire will soon be searching the forest. We must move to a different location." He said.

"And Y/N?" Petra asked. "We can heal them on the way." Marrowkai replied. "But we must make haste. Lets go." He then got Petra's bag and started walking.

"Can you walk, Y/N?" Petra asked me. "Yep, don't worry about me." I tell the princess. "Marrowkai said he'll heal me while on the way."

Petra smiled. "Okie! Lets go then!" She said while grabbing my hand gently and pulling me to follow Marrowkai.

I smile at her and let her pull me.

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