Cruise x Female Reader Fluff

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Requested by Seikko_Sei.

I was planning to do a Cruise x Reader before but I didn't have motivation. But now I eagerly took on the chance to write about him :)

Your POV

I stood against my locker while waiting for the time to pass. I was alone, as usual, and keeping to myself while people walked past me.

It was always this way. Most people who have met me told me that I was a little too anti-social. But I didn't care. Im just not comfortable hanging around others.

But even if Im usually the typical quiet kid, I still go fangirling over a specific someone who is rich, famous, and has great hair.

That someone is Cruise. He happens to be in the same school as me so I pretty much see him everyday.

Everything about him is awesome: his hair, eyes, voice, confidence, and the way passes by a mirror and stops to admire himself.

Of course, we have never talked face to face. We have never talked at all because everytime Cruise is near me, I get too shy and run away.

All I can do is just dream of us together, even if it might probably be a mere mirage that will never happen.

Right now, I was waiting for classes to start while daydreaming of Cruise. When the bell finally rang, I headed to class.

The classes weren't interesting. I looked around the classroom and see Cruise but immediately look away so he won't notice me.

Out of boredom, I felt the urge to sleep. I tried not to but I think I failed because I heard the teacher calling my name.

"Y/N L/N, you will get detention later for falling asleep in class." He said to me before proceeding with the lecture. I sighed in annoyance as the class continued.

After class, I headed to the detention room without much haste. No one payed much attention to me while I was walking along the halls.

When I reached the detention room, I opened the door and expected to see a teacher or the principal.

But neither of them were there.

Instead, I saw a familiar guy with blonde hair wearing red shades.

"Cruise? What are you doing here?" I asked as I feel myself starting to get nervous. He looked up from his seat and we looked at each other.

"Uh, I was trying to talk to Cydnee but she screamed and everyone just figured that I tried to push her off the stairs." Cruise replied.

"Oh, ok." I stuttered as I sat a good distance away from him. I stayed quiet while thinking of how I was to survive 1 hour in a room with my crush.

"So...what do ya want to talk about while we're here?" I heard Cruise ask me. I stayed silent since I was too shy.

"Oh c'mon, I'll be in this room for a whole hour and its going to get so bored without anyone to talk to." Cruise tried to convince me.

But I look towards the door and try to avert my gaze from him as much as possible. Cruise sighed before I heard him getting up.

He sat down in the seat next to me. I blush but I try to hide it. "So, Y/N is it? We haven't actually met, have we?" Cruise said.

"I- n-no, not exactly." I stuttered. I really wanted to run away and dissappear like I always do but this time, I was stuck in this room.

"Yeah, but I see you hanging with your brother a lot." Cruise continued to make small talk. "Your brother and I are good friends if you must know."

"So how's it going with you?" "Good, I guess." "You sure? You always seem so nervous around me." Wait, he noticed that?

"See, even now you act like you're talking to an important person. Well I know that I am, but still." I look away in embarrasment but Cruise still continued to talk to me.

"Why are you so shy? C'mon, I see you talk normally to Willow and Maverick. I don't bite." Cruise said as he started poking my face.

I blush and push his hand away. "Aw, you're so cute when you look flustered." Cruise told me as I blush even more.

"Oh, I get it. You like me, don't you?" He smirked while I just look away to try and hide my face. "I knew it. I mean, I know its pretty easy to fall for me."

I felt myself wanting to run away but I couldn't. But at the same time, I wanted to stay put because it was my first time actually talking to Cruise.

"Hehe, you're actually cute as well, to be honest." He was kind of flirting now and I really needed to get out of the scene.

"Uhh, I need to, um,, to the bathroom." I stammered as I got up and made my way to the door.

"Fine, but before you do-" Cruise got up and caught me in his arms. He then pulled me closer to his face and kissed my cheek.

I blushed and my mind was spinning. When Cruise stopped and let me go, I look at him with a blush on my face before running out the door.

My thoughts were in such a mess that I wasn't focused on where I was going. I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch where you're going, idiot." I heard Cyrus call to me but I ignore him and run to the bathroom.

When I got there, I tried to calm down. I panted and cleared my head. After processing everything that just happened, I was left with one thought...

...My crush just kissed me.

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