Cruise x Z4CK

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This was supposed to be the Valentines special-

WARNING: Includes a homophobic person


I sighed. I tapped my fingers on the table and my eyes glanced around the cafe as I waited for my boyfriend, Cruise.

On our way here, some people recognized him and soon, there was a whole crowd. Cruise told me to go on ahead and get a seat while he dealt with all his fans.

I sighed again. No, this is supposed to be normal. Cruise is a really famous guy. I should get used to the fact that he has a ton of fangirls that he needs to handle.

But in the end, Im still his number 1...


When Cruise finally walked in the cafe, he smiled at me. I smiled back at him, trying to push my thoughts aside.

"Sorry about that. Hehe, maybe next time we have a date, I should wear a disguise so no one would know its me." He chuckled.

"Heh, yeah." I replied, forcing a smile. "Is something on your mind, dear?" Cruise asked. I blushed when he called me that. "N-nope, everything's fine." I stuttered.

"If you say so." The blonde said. "You look cute when you're all flustered." I blushed even more and tried to hide my face. "Can we just order something already?" I tried to change the topic.

Cruise called for a waiter so we could order. The waiter was in pure shock upon seeing him and was stuttering the whole time. I rolled my eyes.

I ordered a Caramel Frappe and a slice of cake while Cruise ordered a Raspberry Shake and an eclair.

When we got our food, Cruise payed and gave a tip to the waiter, causing the waiter to nervously thank him.

We ate and chatted about things that happened in our lives. We shared a few laughs and smiles time to time.

But our conversation was cut short when someone walked up to Cruise. It was a girl, about 18 or 19, with light brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey, you're Cruise right?" She asked shyly. I growled quietly as Cruise smiled at her. "Yes, why do you ask?" He replied.

"Uhh, can I get an autograph?" She handed him a notebook. "Hehe sure. Anything for a fan." Cruise winked. The girl blushed.

Man, why does he have to be so flirty?

After getting a pen and signing a page on the girl's notebook, he handed it back to her. "Here you go." He said.

"Omg, thank you so much!" The girl squealed. Good, so now she can leave us alone. But the girl didn't go anywhere.

"By the way, I was wondering if you were dating anyone-" At that question, I looked at Cruise and he did the same.

"Well, I actually-" But the girl interrupted him. "Cuz I would love to be your girlfriend." She smiled and batted her eyes.

Cruise could tell that the situation was making me feel uneasy. "Um, sorry, but I have a boyfriend already." He told the girl as he pointed at me, trying to get her to leave.

"Ew, you're gay?" The girl said in disgust. Cruise looked mad now. "No, Im bisexual." He said, managing to keep his cool.

"Now, take your homophobic a** and leave me and my boyfriend alone or Im calling my guards." He told her slowly in a silent but threatening voice.

The girl scoffed and walked away. Cruise turned to me. "So sorry about that." He said. "I-its fine." I replied.

"You ok?" He questioned. "Yeah, Im good." I lied. But Cruise knew when I wasn't telling the truth.

"You're lying." He told me. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" He looked at me with a warm and comforting smile.

"I- fine." I responded. "I-its just that, sometimes, I think you pay more attention to your fans than you do to me, like Im not really someone special to you-"

I stopped when I noticed Cruise listening to me intently. "But like, its not you're fault!" I said quickly. "Its probably just me. Am I being too clingy? Or-"

"Shh calm down, don't blame yourself." The blonde replied. "You're right, I guess I was too busy with all my fans lately." He took a sip from his drink.

"Im sorry if I made you feel left out. I swear I'll try to give you more attention from now on!" Cruise smiled.

"Heh, thanks. But you really don't need to-" "Don't worry about it! I'll even wear that disguise we were talking about earlier!"

Cruise started joking about how he'll be a better boyfriend to me but I think he was willing to go overboard so I laughed and told him he could stop.

"Anyways, do you know what day it is today?" He asked. I look at him in confusion. "Is it a day Im supposed to know?" I questioned.

Cruise chuckled. "Its Valentines, silly! That's why I asked you out on this date." "Oh, OHH, I completely forgot about Valentines!"

"That's why I got you this." Cruise got out a box of chocolates. I gasped as he handed it to me.

"Wow, thanks man!" I replied. "It was really expensive. Only rich people can buy this." Cruise whispered jokingly.

We laughed as we finished our food and stood up. "Do you want me to give you a ride home?" Cruise asked.

"Nah, I can walk-" "No, I insist!" "Um, ok then." I said as I followed Cruise outside. As we walked to his limo, we talked about what our friends could be doing right now.

"I heard Maverick went rock-climbing with Vin."

"Yeah, and Wesley took Willow to a haunted house!"

"I heard Wesley almost got a heart attack."

"Oh and Zane and Cydnee went to an amusement park."

"Aren't we too old for those?"

"You're never too old for amusement parks."

"And do you know about Cyrus' new girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I think her name is Blu-"

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