Spearos x Male Fire Spearton Reader

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Requested by SaberSimpForLife.

Your POV

I walked along the snowy ground of Ice Hills. I shivered at the cold since I wasn't used to it.

The only reason why Im in the coldest place in all of Inamorta at night is because I was supposed to meet up with a guy named Spearos.

He hired me to help some rebels he was working with and he promised to pay a large sum of gold. Apparently, he stays in Ice Hills so I have to go there if I wanted the reward.

I shivered again as a freezing wind passed against my body. I clutched my lava shield since it was warm.

Spearos said to meet in a clearing in the forest. I eventually reached what looked like a small open area in the woods. It must be the spot.

I looked around for any sign of where this Spearos guy could be. I only received his offer via a messenger so I never met him in person.

Then, I heard a cough come from behind me. I turn around and see a hooded figure with a greyish blue cape carrying an ice spear and shield.

"Are you Spearos?" I asked as I got into a fight stance, just in case. The figure took off his hood, revealing an older man with a mohawk.

"Yes, and you must be the one who helped the rebels." He replied. I nodded. "I came for the money. You promised me a good amount of gold." I said.

Spearos nodded in response. He took out a large sack and handed it to me. "100 ingots, as promised." He told me as I took the sack.

I opened it and saw the gold glitter before my eyes. I smiled as I touched it to be sure it was real. It was.

"Surprising what people will do to satisfy their greed." I heard Spearos say. "Rather pathetic actually."

I look at the older male. "Who are you calling pathetic, old man?" I jeered. Spearos just scoffed.

"The lengths of the dangers that people go through to get richness and glory just makes them slaves to their own greed and desires. I feel sorry for you."

"Are you mocking me?" I angrily asked as I got into my fight stance again. "Would you really want to fight me here and now?" Spearos said. "After all, in the snow and ice, I have the advantage."

"Well, you're forgetting: fire melts ice." I told him before charging. The Spearton got his shield to defend himself from my attack.

I growled as I tried to hit him with my spear but Spearos quickly grabbed his own spear to intercept mine.

Our spears clashed until Spearos stepped on my foot, distracting me long enough to give him time to knock my weapon out of my hands.

Before I could react, Spearos shield bashed me, causing me to fall back on the frost-filled ground. I also realized he inflicted freeze effect on me.

I groaned as Spearos regained his normal stance. "You have potential. You could reach it if greed didn't cloud your thoughts." He said.

I growled at him as I got up, but the freeze effect still slowed me down. "I have another offer for you." Spearos told me.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What kind of offer is it this time?" I asked. "Im giving you a chance to reach your potential." The Spearton replied.

"I am offering to take you under my wing and train you to be the strongest fighter you can be." He explained. "And maybe teach you the things that greed limits you from doing."

"Uh huh, and what do I get?" I questioned. Spearos rolled his eyes. "Satisfaction, new experiences, skill improvent, strength, and better mindset, things that your desires can never truly give you." He answered.

"Eh, sounds pretty lame." I said as I picked up my spear from the ground and turned around. "But I'll consider it."

I started to walk away from the old man. "If you're interested, you know where to find me." I heard Spearos say.

I soon walk into the forest again to go back to my desert home. But on the way, I reflect and think about Spearos' offer.

A chance to reach my potential? Strength and skill improvement? Things that my desires will never truly give me?

I look at the sack of gold that I was carrying and stop to think. Is greed really making me pathetic?

I look into the cresent moon in the night sky. My mind was made up.

"I'll be back tomorrow, Spearos." I look back at the clearing in the distance before continuing on my way.

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