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Standing outside the station, you can't help but smile to be back.

The station is cast in a bloom of sunlight which pours through the glass-windowed walls, making everything inside seem to glow. It seems spring is really on its way now, its arrival announced by the few drops of sunshine from the daffodils bursting in the pots outside of the station doors. Even some pink-faced pansies have revealed themselves around the bases of the trees along the street.

It's refreshing to see it all, a burst of colour and brightness after the stark coldness of the facility.

Pushing open the doors, you step through and your steps echo in the foyer. You glance up to see Seungmin slouched at the front desk, phone in his hand. It suddenly feels like you haven't been away at all.

You'd almost forgotten that Seungmin  had been there on the night of the attack. Seems like another lifetime ago, after everything you've learned since then.

After letting out a relieved sigh, you move further into the station, only to halt when Seungmin  spots you. He almost falls from his stool in eagerness to get to you.

"You're here!", he calls, stumbling to a stop in front of you. He blows his bangs out of his face and continues to stare.

"Yes, this is where I work, Seungmin", you reply, arching a brow.

"I know, yeah", he lets out a strained chuckle, "But like…", he leans in close, "After what happened."

A shudder runs down your spine. You had been asked firmly but politely by the Agency to keep things under wraps. Letting the general public know about supernaturals would only incite panic, especially with one on the loose around Ulsan. Not only might it endanger humans, but it could seriously endanger supernaturals.

It wasn't like you had much choice but to agree. You're not sure what half of their agents are capable of, and you don't want to find out the punishment for going against them.

The supernatural world is supposed to be a fairy tale. The real world is bad enough without throwing in the fact that monsters exist. How could anyone get on with normal life knowing something like that?

No, the Agency is right. It's better to keep this to a select few who can handle it.

"Detective?", Seungmin asks, bringing you out of the heavy thoughts.

"Sorry", you shake your head, "So about what happened -"

His eyes sparkle with excitement, reminding you of the sun reflecting from a lake. He shuffles even closer, so as you have to lean away slightly from his enthusiastic approach, "Agent L/N told me everything"

Your mom has been busy, you thought as you brush away the thought and focus back on Seungmin.

"How you and her team brought down the crazies"

"'The crazies'?", you repeat the words, uncertainty making your voice strained.

He nods, "Yeah, the ones who escaped from the city prison. The ones you fought", his gaze drops before flickering back up, an intensity to them you haven't seen before, "The ones you saved me from. No one's ever done anything like that for me before"

His hand comes to rest on your arm, and you get a sudden, horrible sinking feeling in your stomach.

Is he…trying to smoulder at you?

Your face wrinkles into a disturbed grimace as the kid stares at yoi from under his lashes, lips pursed.

He's never even paid attention to your commands before, so having his sudden undivided and very close attention is - well, a little unnerving.

Reckless Hate To Love Me ⚊ Enhypen JayWhere stories live. Discover now