Chapter 72 : The Second coming of a costly war.

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Izuku and Zero clashed violently, shaking the ground and destroying several buildings which almost crushed the others. Zero kept trying to aim for the head, to which Izuku responded by using his punches more so he can also transition into a block with his hands.

Zero quickly kneed Izuku in the stomach as he slammed his fist down onto Izuku's  back "Izuku! Stop!"

Izuku recovered and powered up to stagger him before delivering a punch which was blocked. He traded blows with Zero as the two fought to a stalemate. Izuku quickly launched a  knee up to Zero's chin followed up by another before blasting him away.

The Battle below is not going that smoothly either, with students and others scrambling around trying to prove their ships as superior and berating another. Asi-san is seen on a pile of rocks blasting her pistols at the massive wave of incoming students.

"Get away from me! IzuMelissa must reign supreme!" said Asi-san as she heard the sounds of an engine speeding towards her. She ducked just in time for Iida to flew over her head and missing his kick, Iida spun around and landed back into his charging pose to prepare his next move.

"Don't try it, Iida. I have the high ground." said Asi-san.

Iida called Tensei over "You underestimate our power!" as the two all moved forward to tackle her, activating their respective quirks which boosted their speed to extreme heights.

Tenya swung his legs back "The power of IzuOcha...."

Tensei pulled out his anti-horny crutches "... Dwells within us!"

Asi-san was about to dodge, until Yuga's naval saber narrowly misses her hair as the elegant student created an opening for the Iida brothers.

"The IzuOcha ship shall shine on with the power of Canon!"

As Asi-san turned back to Tenya and Tensei, it was already too late, but somebody tackled her out of the way and took the brunt of the attack.

"Recipro Overdrive..." said both Iidas as they brought their Super Moves together. Tenya's kick and Tensei's clutches slammed straight into the third person as they used their new move.

"...WINGMEN SLIPSTREAM!"  said both brothers as the attack knocked the other person back a distance, having blocked it with his blades.

Andy-san stood back up, his blades of chaos ready in hand "Do not worry, these blades will only hurt for a moment." and charged back at the brothers.

Shoto is currently fighting Kaminari "IzuRei must win!"

Kaminari fired off lighting bolts at Shoto "IzuJiro forever!"

Bakugo stepped in, firing an AP shot into Kaminari to stun him, before letting Shoto moves in with his fire for the takedown.

Kingsley is firing the BFG wildly with little care in the world "HAHAHA! THIS IS SO FUN!"

Momo is hiding behind her shield "Who are these people!"

Nezu is currently having a picnic with Hawks as he watched the fight "This is much more entertaining than I thought. I wonder when Otto-san is coming though."

Hawks raised an eye at this "Otto? You mean the villain from Spider-Man?"

"No no no, I meant Saint Ottopip, keeper of the gates between realms. He told me he's going to drop by, probably waiting for a chance to have his epic entrance." replied Nezu.

The SOS Squad is currently fighting Leon, using their wacky moves and outright crazy strategies they learned from Izuku, they were able to buy some time until Asi-san came to help them out.

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