Chapter Two ✎ - Role Play OC's Story

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Three cats and a camouflage-colored dragonet were running around on an island that was woodland, meadow, and a small part mountainous. There was a black, short haired cat with an amethyst on it's tail tip; a white, long haired cat with wings that looked like a combination of a birds with feathers and a dragon's with strength and wing tips, the tips being aqua matines; and a short haired purple cat, with a very long tail with a fluffy tip. The camo-colored dragonet was three time's the cats' sizes, trailing along behind them.

"Smoke!" Called the dragonet. "Wait up!"

The cat at the front, a black cat, turned her head back towards the dragonet. "You hurry up, Root!" Smoke called, not unkindly, but cheery. She turned her head to face forward and ran on.

The white cat, being right behind Smoke and in front of the purple cat, slowed down to wait for Root. The purple cat made a trill and sped past the white cat. Root looked at the white cat, gratefulness shining in her eyes. "Thanks, Frost!"

Frost nodded and ran beside Root. "Smoke can be too energetic at times," replied the young cat. "She often forgets others aren't as energetic as her."

Smoke looked back again to see one of her sisters back with Root. Reluctantly, she slowed down. The purple cat behind her slowed down as well. Smoke looked at the purple cat with a bit of disappointment on her face. "Why do you think we have the dragonet with us? We have to prepare her!" She hissed. "Sister, go on ahead. We must get to the Revak Feykro before night fall." The purple cat nodded and started on again, running at full pelt towards the far off woods. Smoke watched her sister go, then looked at the sun. The sky was still blue, but the sun was very low in the sky.
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Think these characters would make a good story? Vote and comment and I will make one! If I do make it, I'll update this chapter saying so. Also if I do make the story, should I use this chapter in it? Let me know what you think!
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This won't be in the story, since I've decided things would happen, making the four mentioned above the same age, and not the first main characters. Below, though, will be in the story in one form or another. Enjoy!
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"Why do you keep falling asleep in class?" he asked her.
She snorted. "I've told you, I'm having problems sleeping. It will blow over soon." What she said was the half truth, Myrkr knew. But she couldn't tell anyone, not even Sanguine, the whole truth. Not yet. "May I go now, Waterfall?"
The water dragon scowled. "No." There was a knock on the door, and Waterfall called, "Come in" as the door opened. Luna stepped into the room, Myrkr could only tell by scent. Waterfall's huge wings were in the way.
"Who do you need me to interrogate now?" Luna asked, her kind voice irritated, which made Myrkr's ears flatten. She remembered how Luna got a bit out of her before, when they were concerned about her. But this would be different, Myrkr sensed.
Waterfall folded his wings in. "Myrkr Mkhoal. You know her, do you not?"
"Myrkr?!" Luna's gray eyes went huge. "You're the one sleeping in class?"
The cheetah mutant shook her head sadly. "Honestly, just give me detention, damn it. It doesn't matter why I was sleeping. I told you why--now leave me alone." Did they know what she was? One part of her said, They can't, no no, impossible, while the other said, This is too much like an interrogation, like Luna said.
Completely ignoring Myrkr, Waterfall faced Luna. "Make her tell all."
Shit, was all Myrkr could think. "Luna, you're my friend. Don't do this."
Luna herself looked torn. She was split between following the orders of a superior--and the pleadings of a friend. "Myr..." she breathed. "My hands are tied, you know this."
Another knock came from the door. Waterfall growled, "Who is it?"
"An ally." The response was feline, and Myrkr's blood went cold. Luckily, because her bag is seemingly transparent, she had her emeralds with her. She slowly reached into her bag, feeling for the right symbol she etched onto the gems when she made them. I need the dust cloud! Once she grabbed the right one, she slowly pulled her hand from the bag. Waterfall had gotten up to open the door, and indeed, the other was without any doubt Queen Ri'Shanita. Or so she calls herself.
"I would like to have a few words with your student, Myrkr Mkhoal, Waterfall. We have things to discuss." The queen glanced at Myrkr, and in her eyes was a plan. She wants to take me now. Too bad.
Waterfall reluctantlly granted the queen entrance. "Luna, you are dismissed."
The gray eyes of Luna bore into Myrkr's emerald ones. "Will Myrkr be coming back after this talk?" The queen nodded. "Of course. What would give you the impression she wouldn't?" Luna left, although it was reluctant.
"So you lied to me about your name." Myrkr got right down to bussiness. "Queen Ri'Shanita is dead." Her fingers tighteened around the emerald. This needs to be timed perfectly.

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And this is part of a chapter... that being why the characters aren't explained much :3

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