Chapter Fifty-Eight ♬ - Colored Fire

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Dedicated to my friends on Wattpad, Line, Dragons of Atlantis, and in real life.
Misty, Elementalsmile / Ev, Princess Rose, Tardis, Cloudy, Ambay, Fulcurin, Tigerclawsz, LivinLouder, Earthstar, UnderMyMask, Apple_Of_Eden, and Warrior. (I have to add someone 'cause I'm forgetful.) River,and Skie.

What are a Charizard's wings for?
Flying? Attacking? No.
A Charizard's wings are for protecting his friends.
For defending them with all he's got.

So, then...
What is a Charizard's fire for?
Burning? Hurting? No.
His fire is for his friends.
It is trust, loyalty, and fierceness,
All of which he would give to his friends.

Charizard's claws,
Well, they are for defense.
Just like his ferocity,
To defend the ones he loves.

And a Charizard's heart,
It goes to his friends.
It means he cares for them,
He will stand by them,
Just until the bitter end.

I am a Charizard.
It's not just some fun name,
I truly am one,
If only at heart.

I still have a flame,
One that, if it goes out, I will die from.
It stays alive with my friends.

For every time I make a friend,
Their name enters the fire,
And the fire grows.

Those friends get to see my life,
Inside the colorful fire.
For you cannot enter the flames
Without protection, or it will harm you.

Fire is alive,
It just needs the fuel.
Everyone has a fire, maybe fueled by other things,

But mine?
It's fueled... you, my friend.

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