Chapter One-Fifty-Eight - Fakémon?

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     So two days ago (April 5, 2016) I had a dream about myself, a friend, my brother, and the friend's nonexistent brother. Anyway, in the dream we come across two Pokémon legendaries, but the don't exist. My mind even deemed to name them, and right now I'm trying to draw them. They are kind of like Latias and Latios (brother-sister legendaries) and they look mostly human. The male is named Oraion, and the female is named Laion. I only know that since Oraion's name started with an O-R, had an A in it, and ended with an N. I couldn't remember the exact spelling. And Laion's name I only knew was similar and started with an L, so yea. This might actually be a good drawing, but they won't have faces since I am very new to drawing. But I think I can be proud of it, like I am of Lesvír and Thmastey. I haven't shown a picture of Lesvír even though I finished it not long after Thmastey.

So I finished Laion and Oraion, but my iPad won't let me take pictures because it is out of storage space. :/ I can't show you guys the twins or Lesvír right now because, you know, got to love stupid Apple products.
(I did try deleting a few pictures in my Camera Roll, and no change. That's no fun...)

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