Chapter One-Ninety-Five - Merry Christmas! + (End of the Year Update)

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Hope you guys had an awesome Christmas!

I don't really know what else to say. Have a good Christmas vacation, too!

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December 26

I have done much this year. As stated before, I have many ideas for stories, and this is my summary of 2016 on Wattpad. I did one last year, too, if you are new.

I prepared to post my story, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Inside The World of Darkness while still regularly posting my Mysterious Realms: Revak Feykro original story through the first few months of the year. I also created new characters that were from a dream that I started a story on, which as of yet is unpublished and probably will remain so for a while.  Slowly, I created new worlds, such as Aion (as previously mentioned) and Hiphia (also the product of dream characters) that are for the most part away from the fantasy setting of Revak Feykro's Isles of Ysamaldrí. I also am getting better at describing the worlds I am writing for, so I hope to have a better quality when I have a good amount to release.
     Also early in the year I continued with my Dar'Elaraya, Thief From Elsweyr: Cold Land Thief until May, I do believe, before I stopped playing Skyrim as frequently. I apologize for the lack of consistency with that story.
     Late in the summer I revisited what got me into writing: role playing. I joined my friend's BloodClan role play as a character I made for a different BloodClan role play named Freedom. I should probably write a story about her eventually.
     Speaking of, sometime within the last half of the year I added a very small bit onto Embersong's Prosperity and Silversteipe's Vision, a Warriors fan fiction I started in early 2014.
     I didn't write very often toward the middle of the year, I just didn't want to. However, midway through November I found many, many writer's prompts on Pinterest and recently another story that I have started, about a band cult because the post thought of band as a cult. There was also another one that I have deemed a challenge of sorts, and I use many prompts to make one story. And before either of those, I got my Star Wars fervor again, and after a while I decided to try my hand at writing a Star Wars story on a character who is inspired by the EU character Mara Jade.
     On dA, I made edits to my Revak Feykro original book, since I didn't really know where I was going with it in the beginning. Now, with where I took the story and the new elements I pick up from other franchises, I am starting ti slowly edit the chapters to what I would have wanted to write instead, naming them the second versions of the original that I am still very proud of.
     And finally, I found my place in my Revak Feykro story again, and shortly after declaring it is on hiatus I starting writing for it again, adding new ideas and rules to the magic and the Mythics themselves. Expect me to lift the hiatus soon, and expect a chapter for January third.

Thank you guys for being here through this mostly-uneventful year on my profile and in my books as I added twelve more chapters to  my first original story. And, if you can, look for little nods to the franchises that have shaped it — the first hint I'll give is the very words Revak Feykro: Sacred Forest are from TES V: Skyrim, and the Cí'mehia's creation reference The Witcher.

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