Chapter ONE HUNDRED ➳ - Of Course: PMD Tag

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Tag. So appropriate χD Thanks, OwlStream :)

1. Your PMD (I'm doing Time/Sky) team and name?
For my Time and Sky saves, my team is Team Pokéfriens (it's too long for the 'd' lol) or, for a book I'm writing (gasp!) PokéClan.
My team members are myself as a Charmander or Vulpix, with a Pikachu ♂ who I named Pika. For my book, though, it's different ;)

2. What is the name of the protagonist and their partner?
Pika the Pikachu (I don't have the heart to choose anything else). i name myself my nickname, but for now that is going to be Pearl.

3. Who is your favorite character?
Grovyle!! *cries* Grovyle is the best character. I love him cuz he is so awesome. Media

4. If you could change the game, what would you change?
I want to be able to visit Celebi and Grovyle in the future. The player is from the future, afterall!!
Maybe side quests, or like tag team it with a friend and their partner, and you with yours.
Also to make my own kind of group, with like four-six max.

(that is not a Divergent reference. Those are just good numbers.)

5. Your thoughts on Chatot?
I mean, he's good. Even though he is stupid and gets mad at the player and their partner for the perfect apple deal... I WILL NOT FORGET. Lol. But yeah. I think Chatot is awesome :)

6. When you evolved your Pokémon what did they evolve into?
Evolve? *looks around* Am I alone here? I never evolved, Charmander nor Vulpix me, and neither Pika. I can't do it.

7. Tag someone. Okay, if you adore PMD, any PMD, you are lightly tagged to do this. No, scratch that. YOU ARE TAGGED.

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