Chapter One-Sixty-Three -- Perfect Dark

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     I would be willing to bet none of you have heard of it, and if you have, you probably know little about it right? It's made by Rare Ltd. and I have never heard of them until recently, really. Have you?

You are awesome if the above is false for you :)

     So this game is a hard, solid part of my childhood. Recently, I played it on an XBox One, and damn. My memories were just all over the place. Now, this is within the last month, so it's been a while.

     Other than for fun, why do I bring this up? Well, do you need to have a new book or two to read?

     They are called Perfect Dark: Initial Vector and Perfect Dark: Second Front. Now, the original, N64 Perfect Dark made in 2000 was what some people call the spiritual successor of the game Goldeneye, a James Bond game, also made by Rare Ltd. Anyway, eventually a game was made as a predecessor of good old Perfect Dark on the XBox 360. I don't know much, but it is a good storyline. Not as good as the original, but still good.

     You've probably noticed I've started rambling. Well, the two books I've mentioned are after Perfect Dark Zero, the predecessor of the original. So if you're interested, I suggest watching (or, better, play!) the original Perfect Dark, watching/playing Zero (personally if you can find a guy called 0verlord78 or something, take it, since it's a silent playthrough without any death) and then read the books. On my Nook, it was $7.99 and it has 712 pages. I read it in three days, and man. I feel like they nailed Joanna Dark (main character). I haven't read Second Front yet, but I'm really excited.

     To put this in perspective, for those of you who know me, I simply adore Skyrim, Pokémon, and Star Wars. Perfect Dark is a million levels over those three combined. Perfect Dark was probably the first game I ever played. So, do yourself a favor, and check out Perfect Dark, Perfect Dark Zero, Perfect Dark: Initial Vector, and Perfect Dark: Second Front. In that order. Granted, I'm only three of four, but I'm sure Second Front is amazing. In the games and books there is no sex, there is Joanna being the bad ass she damn well is, and there is just sci-fi. It's in 2020, and that's coming up quite quickly, isn't it? See what we should have in four years ;)

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