Chapter One-Sixty-Seven ➳ - Taggededededed

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Title is dumb because it can be.

So I've been double tagged by MadKat65 for two tags. One is thirteen facts (Yay thirteen!) and the second is favorites. Let's go ♪

1. I just started a book on another account with a friend of mine. If you want to check it out, it's called In Dreams We Met on AgeOfFriendship . (Don't judge the lack of cover). (Shameless self-advertising).

2. I'm currently playing through Fire Emblem Awakening on my friend's 3DS and game. It's pretty good.

3. I recently found a band called Icon For Hire and I love their music.

4. Soon I'm upgrading from my iPad2 to an iPad Air.

5. This past winter, I went on my first hunt. I didn't get anything, though.

6. I might get a wood burning tool/set (whichever is correct?) because I like making "plaques" by burning simple pictures on wood.

7. I have a journal I write in every night.

8. I'm playing in adult-league slow-pitch softball.

9. I'm making a PMD: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky fanfic about the player's time in the future, before the actual gameplay.

10. I had way too much junk food yesterday for the Fourth party my family does every year.

11. Yesterday while my immediate family and I were cleaning the garage, we saw a deer at the end of our driveway.

12. I started playing a solo run of Perfect Dark and I've not died once. Can you tell I'm running out of facts yet? Heh.

13. I've started a Dishonored playthrough, but I'm going without using the powers, on normal difficulty, no reloading saves, and trying to get the good ending. In the first two levels, I killed 40 people.

Alright! Now that's done, time for favorites!

     Song: Castle In The Sky.

     Sport: Softball, but if dodgeball counts...

     Show: I don't really watch TV, but like last time, Kim Possible. Or maybe Danny Phantom.

     Movie: The Boy Who Cried Werewolf. Or Spaceballs.

     Color: Purple or red.

     Food: Don't have one.

     Drink: Same.

     Video Game: Perfect Dark hands down.


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