Chapter Ninety-Five - Minecraft

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I wanted to show you my (in my opinion) awesome underground base, that has two recess-like levels in the side walls, suspended carrot farm over a wheat farm, a mine, crafting area, farm area, and three shrines to three Minecraft gods (fan-made by Syndicate, Jericho, and CaptainSparklez) who you may know, Dianite, Mianite, and Ianite. So instead of wasting eight or nine chapters, or giving you all of them in crap quality, I made a Minecraft book for that. It also shows the village I made over water, it's farm, tree farm, animal farm, bank, waterfall, and mine. I did the Underground (where my other base is) pictures like you were walking through it yourself, even though I did it terribly.

I also explain a few things that were creative-made, like bringing in blocks you can't normally get or anything else. Hope you decide to check it out! If not, that's cool too.

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