Chapter One-O-Six - What The Hell?!? Mobile Game Data Mines??

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Excuse me, I don't swear much.
Video is by The Know and is called Free To Play Games STEAL Your Data? - The Know.
Why is this a thing??
So the gist of the video (and picture) is that free-to-play mobile game developers mine data about us from our devices without us knowing... And use it to sell things to us. Well. I'm never getting Facebook, Twitter, or anything else on social media, not that I want them, but still!
Clash of Clans, Clash of Kings, Dragons of Atlantis, Divine Might, Candy Crush, Angry Birds, Temple Run...they are all taking data?
Oh, yeah, they are ALSO giving our information they find to ad networks. *slow clap* Yep. Thanks.

What is becoming of the Internet these days, I swear to God everything is just trying to fuck us all over one way or another.

(This was made when the video came out, Sept. 21, 2015. I wanted to include the bideo, but that didn't happen the first day, and since then I've been focusing on more pressing matters.)

The Misty, Purple Catحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن