Chapter One-Ninety-Two - Updates, Bad Title I Know

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Been some time, hasn't it?
  And I still haven't gained any originality, since I start off that way for every single update chapter. Oh well.

A few things have been floating around in my mind. If some of you have dA accounts and care to find me, I am a little more active there, actually. I post there as a chapter is finished, not on my monthly deadline. And books that have never seen the public of Wattpad are there, too, and some short one-shots of my own possibly soon.

     Another thing is my Pisces book. I'm thinking pretty heavily about unpublishing it. That means anyone who has it in their library can read it at their leisure. If you are upset about that, and let's face it, none of you are because anyone who likes that book is not here (unless you're Ev maybe), I'm just not happy with it anymore. My books are mainly original fantasy in the three worlds I've created and Pokémon. Any other fan fiction has hit the dust, and the Pisces book doesn't fit with my content. I don't regret making it, since it cemented Ev and I as friends, and I've found few others through it, but I don't like it anymore. I deal in fantasy and unreality, AU's of real life that are original to my own making. Not a crappy book that literally is little more than a condensed file for Pisces sayings, quotes, and characteristics. Only one chapter is original to me, and I don't even care about it any more.

     Hey, thanks for reading. You're awesome. And if you don't mind, would you check out some of my other books? Like I said, I deal with fantasy. My first original book series, Mysterious Realms—probably better named Isles of Ysamaldrí, in all honesty—is undergoing a kind of editing while it is not finished, and the book on here is a non-canon AU where I change things I wish I had had in the very beginning. I update on the third of every month. And Pokémon, I use the world of the regions and the Mystery Dungeon one as well, so I have some diversity (not really).

     Thank you all, and have a nice day.

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