Chapter One-Seventy-Four - ➳ Nothing But Tags

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OwlStream tagged me on dA but since I know next to no one on there as a friend, I'm moving this tag here.

Rules: Tag 8 People - MadKat65diamond-confettiYourPerfectTragedyFanggBaeGas_Mask_Pr0-_cxstiel_-, and at the moment I can't remember anyone else, so anyone who wants to do this you should.

Name: Chari/Ysamaldrí 

Zodiac Sign: The lovely Pisces

Lucky Number: Thirteen. I like unlucky things.

Last Thing you searched on Google: Ah, cheaty things for Spanish because online Spanish is a joke, am I right? I normally hate cheating.

Favorite Fictional Character: Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark) or Han Solo (Star Wars)

What are you wearing: Tank top and my jean shorts.

When did you start your DA account: Late August. Actually, I'm coming up on a year now. (If you don't have a deviantART account, just do your Wattpad.)

Number of watchers: Eight on dA. I don't do art what are you saying *slips oit of the room*

What do you upload to dA: Very little, drawings I do on occasion that I think looks relativeky presentable.

Do you have other blogs: Wattpad (obviously) and YouTube.

Do you get many comments: Ev is my comment section there χD 

What Do You Define Of *Many Comments*: Maybe thirty or so.

Why Did You Choose Your Username: I told this story before, but in August 15, 2010 I finally got my first starter from Pokémon LeafGreen, Charizard, to level one hundred. For a while I didn't even have the underscore, I just wanted a space. But then I used it somewhere and it needed the underscore and now it has the underscore.

Yep. I'll be posting this to dA also, if you want to check out my limited art go to I have a link on my profile.

The Misty, Purple Catजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें