Chapter Thirty-Eight ✎ - Tardiscat's Tournament, Round One, Part Two

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Group One
@xXSplit_SkiesXx (Check out her entry when she posts it!)
You are an Elf on the Shelf and you've been picked up by a famous celebrity to roam around his or her house at Christmas time. But what the celebrity doesn't know is that you've been hired by The National Enquirer gossip magazine to find dirt on that celebrity. You are a week in.


My Work:
Christmas was a few days ago, and I still wait for something juicy that Justin Bieber would want to keep secret. If I see it, well, it won't be a secret anymore. You see, I work for The National Enquirer, a gossip magazine. The one reason I was sent here was because someone got their hands on a lead about JB going back to drugs. Time will tell if it's true or not.

Someone knocked at the door and Bieber made to open it. My friend, Anna, was at the door, like a normal person. She came here often enough, and had befriended Bieber. Anna, however, also worked for TNE. As he was looking through the peep hole in his door, I saw his eyes widened. He didn't open the door for Anna, oh no. Bieber locked his door. "Why is she here? Now?" Knocking came again as Bieber rushed away from the door.

Now, the dude's house wasn't very "Christmas-y," mind you. A christmas tree was up in one corner of the main room, but that was it. No lights, ornaments, Nativity scene, stockings, or any of that jazz. I was one of the only bits of Christmas decor he had.

"Fooled everyone," came his voice in a murmur. I hopped down from the shelf and brought out my tiny camera and made my way to where his voice was coming from. It turned out to be his room. What I saw made my eyes wide, and I knew the informant was correct. Bieber had a syringe out, I shivered at the sight, and he had some liquid in it. It wasn't clear, so obviously not water unless he planned on putting dyed water in his veins. I turned my camera on and took as many pictures as possible in those short, short moments. A look of relief came over his face when Anna knocked again. Bieber hid the syringe by placing it in a plastic bag and in the trash, having filled the plastic bag with paper. "Coming!" he called. He hurried past me as I pressed myself up against the wall. I heard a faint "Hey!" from Anna before the door shut again. A car engine started up and I let out a sigh of relief. I could now search the house for the next hour.
✽ ✽
I searched the house. There was marijuana in his basement, and lots of it. "Holy shit," I said quietly. "He never really stopped, did he? That informant was right, it seems." I took pictures of the drugs. Something buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled out a tiny phone. It had an unread text from Anna. Coming back soon, Bieber has no clue what's going on, it said. I didn't reply. I had to get back upstairs onto the shelf where Bieber placed me so nothing seemed out of order. I hurried up the stairs that were as tall as me, then toward the TV stand. Luckily, it wasn't too hard to scale, and other cabinets and shelves led up to my perch. I sat there and waited.
✽ ✽
The sound of a car engine alerted me, then the slammed car doors. Bieber opened the door for Anna and they both walked into the main room. They took seats on the couch and Anna grabbed the remote and hit the power button.

"So," Bieber said, "he says, 'Justin, I bet I can beat you at a drinking contest,' and I take the bet! The fool couldn't drink half of what I can drink!"

Anna giggles. "You sure told him," she said flirtatiously, yet not so. "And that's why I had to drive you back here."

At this point, I notice Bieber is hammered. His voice was slightly slurred, and his movements clumsy. In this state, he could probably see me talking and not flip out. So, what did I do? I pulled out the tiny phone I had and texted Anna.

I found proof of the marijuana, I texted.
Great, she replied. That means I can stop playing the flirt. I'll blame it on his drinking, I was going to do that soon anyway.

"Justin," she tentatively said. "I think you have a drinking problem..." Anna trailed off.

"No I don't!" Bieber exclaimed suddenly. "Why does everyone think that? I don't!"

"But you're hammered, dude."

"And to think you had any faith in me, Anna! You should leave." His voice was low and angry.

Anna put her hands up in front of her. "Alright, have it your way." She got up and left, and as she passed I hopped onto her shoulder. Bieber was scowling at the TV, so he never noticed. "The info?" Anna asked once she closed the door.

"Indeed, I got it. So many perfect pictures."
✽ ✽
The next day, the heading in the newspaper read, "Bieber Going Back To His Addiction?" with my pictures on the front. I was pleased with myself. That lead seemed to be the most far fetched thing I had ever heard. That's from hearing other leads that sounded more believable, yet were false. I guess that's how it goes.

⚔ ⚔ ⚔
So many time skip, ugh. χD

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