Chapter One-Thirty-Three ➳ - Fandom Tag!

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     Tagged by libraryhaunter. You should go and check her's out!

1.    ∫Fa∫˜µ≤¬˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåœ∑'®†¥¨ˆøπºª•¶§∞¢£™¡ Favorite Fandom (<-- sorry, I accidentally did a thing on my bluetooth keyboard and started experimenting x3)? Star Wars or Pokémon, seeing as they took up more than ten years of my life.

2. Favorite Character? Thinking of all the fandoms I declare myself in, that might be R2-D2 or Padmè/Leia.

3.    Favorite Pairing? Uh expect one answer? Leia x Han, Luke x Mara, Percabeth, Harmione, Eragon x Arya, and probably quite a few others.

4. Prefered Gender? To date is the opposite of my gender, (ha, too bad for you curious people, I used a loophole to keep my secret ;]).

5. Greatest Flaw? And that would be the media (loyalty).

6. Greatest Strength? I think that would be my honesty, though I'm good at using loopholes to not answer things, soo...

7. Least Favorite Pairing? I would have t say the ridiculous ones, such as ∫so I've heard∫ Jason (Grace) x Brick, Jayfeather x Stick, and Hollyleaf x The Warrior Code. Also WinkShipping, aka Ash (Ketchum) x Gligar.

8. Gender? Something between male and female. Or all of the above (this means there is no answer).

9. Reading or Writing? If I had to choose one for the rest of my life (even though that's not the question) I would be without both forever since I could never choose. Both are too important to me.

10. Favorite Book IRL? Right now, the Inheritance Cycle are my favorite books right now. Soon it will go back to Star Wars.

And that's the tag! I tag...
Wolf Fang

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