Chapter One-Eleven - ♬ Tribute

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You are awesome.
I have to thank you,
I have to repay you,
But I'm not artistic with a pencil
Nor am I with markers.

But I have to pay you tribute,
Because you deserve it.
If only for being awesome people,
Or for sharing your artistic abilities with those around you.

The beautiful, fluffy Cloudy
The fun, lively Eevee
The happy, artsy Ambay
You are all wonderful people.

But that's not all.
There is the creative, awesome Misty
The quiet, strong Rose
My clever fellow Assassins, YourPerfectTragedy, Apple_Of_Eden, and CitrusWasp
The Cats of the Tempest Tribesmates, Tardiscat, River, Cloudy, Ambay, and Warrior

I said this, and I mean it.
You guys are amazing.
This is my tribute to all of you :)

Your creativity is inspiring,
And I love to see it whenever it appears.

To you guys,
For the role plays,
For the pms,
For everything.

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