Chapter One-Ninety-Four - Life and Book Updates

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     I just realized that I am suddenly growing up and that I am not exactly prepared for it. Due to this, and a persistent writer's block, Revak Feykro will be on a short hiatus. It probably won't be longer than a few months, though I hope for it to resolve itself before February or March.

     I'm getting a little worried due my lack of preparation of the future, but you don't really need to know that. It's nothing life threatening, so no worries. Hypocrite I know...

     I've been throwing many ideas around in my head so I might start doing shorts. If you want to see them check out my other book, The Crazy, Red Cat. This book will be ending soon, too, and I already have the next book title in mind, so I will share that in the final part.

     I hope you guys are doing well. Also, don't forget to wish on a star.

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