Chapter Nineteen - ABC Tag

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I've been tagged again, and again by xX_MistyDolphin_Xx. Let's do this.

♖ Hm. Well, that subject is blurred. Let's go with no.

Biggest Fear
♖ My absolute BIGGEST fear... That would have to be losing everyone I love.

Crushing On
♖ Someone I've known a long time.

Drink I last had
♖ Milk.

Easiest Person To Talk To
♖ My brother.

Favorite Song
♖ (mumbles name like last time) or Sovngarde Song.

Grossest Memory
♖ Hm. I Haven't had any of those really, so here's a different memory♪
Falling off my friend's four wheeler onto cement on my head, probably around 8-10years old. That's right my head. I got back on the four wheeler though, even though when my friend's dad asked if I still wanted to go I shook my head. Also, I wasn't on the seat part because there were other people on it, too.

♖ Somewhere in Colorado, near Longmont. Stalkers, don't get excited. I moved to a different state in late 2003.

In Love With
♖ MUSIC (music addict right here)

Jealous Of
♖ Not really anything. If you think I'm lying, whatever, but I don't really ever feel envy or jealousy. When someone is doing something that I wish I could do, I think, "I just need more practice. Then I'll be just as good."

Killed Anyone?
♖ No. I wouldn't have the guts for it, anyway. What kind of question is this? O.o

Longest Relationship
♖ Assuming you mean a relationship with the people who aren't my family...
My friend who I met I think the day after I moved, twelve years in September.
If you mean a different ♡ relationship, five years. :)

Middle Name
♖ That's for me to know until I decide to tell anyone.

Number Of Siblings
♖ One.

One Wish
♖ To have color changing wings. I am not copying Misty.

Person I Last Called
♖ ...

Question I'm Most Asked
♖ "How do you do that?" About being able to shake my eyes, or vibrate them, or warble them, however you want to describe it.

Reason To Smile
♖ Life is too short to be pissed all the time.

Song Last Sang
The Other Side.

Time I Got Up
♖ 7:00am this morning.

Underwear Color
♖ Really? Now why would anyone want to know that?

Very Special Moment
♖ October 2013 when my friend officially pre-asked me out for a later date. ♡

Worst Habit
♖ Picking my pimples. You asked.

♖ Unless the dentist counts for the yearly thing, quite a few years ago. Like maybe 8 or 9 years ago.

Your Last Movie Watched
Ghostbusters I

Zodiac Sign
♖ Pices.

There's the tag! Now, let me think about who I'll tag...
And Shiningflowerspots!
Enjoy ♪

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