Chapter Eighty-Five - Weird Alternate Percy Jackson Dream

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    So this dream starts off in some kind of Lego game creator, but then we get into a swamp or something similar. Then I wander to a weird circle of stone platforms that are just above the water surface. It looked like a clearing in a forest that was full of water, or just a swamp clearing with cleanish water. A few people hung around, I didn't really know who they were, and I asked them what rock platform was for which Greek god. At this point, my view kept shifting from reality to weird-movie-thing that I was watching.
    The first formation of the rocks, since they apparently move later, had a circle of them with a bigger one in a circle of maybe seven or eight total. There were three platforms just chilling, and I was told they weren't for any god. The specific one I had asked about had Nico on it, and I thought it was for Hades, not that I said that.
    Afterward, more campers started coming and I guess this is when the rocks started moving. I never saw them move, but at this point there was a "mainland" rock that was the huge one from before in the middle of around ten or so rocks. I never counted the rock, these are just guesses from my estimate of how many could fit around.
    Randomly Annabeth is near me, and we start talking. I think we must've gone to one of the non-god rocks (which now had a stone bench) that was in the circle. Percy also showed up, and while Annabeth and I were talking he stood up and nocked and arrow on a bow he apparently had, and shot something that was just then on the mainland because dreams make no sense. It was some kind of mantle/fireplace and above it on the 'wall' was a Skyrim-style archery target. He hit one of the outermost rings and for some reason I thought he would be good with a bow.
    I commented to Annabeth that I would like to try archery and that I hadn't shot a bow in years, which is true. She said something like "We should do that tomorrow!" I asked why not today, and she said it was too late to do anything today. When I checked my sports watch, it said 6:38, and of course at this point I had assumed it was pm. I agreed it would be too late because of an event . I don't remember exactly, but I think that because of an evening-ly fight by one of the campers. Percy was chosen and a bull's angry head kinda popped through the archery target and they started fighting.

I left out a bit but this was the main thing I wanted to write down. Weird three hour dream....

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