Chapter Forty-Four ➳ - Tag From Misty

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Misty tagged me (Tardis did too) to do a thing with 100 facts/questions. *deep breath* Let's do this. (Sorry it took so long! I skipped five questions, had to renumberr, and everything so... here it is, at last!)

1. Real Name: The name's Terra Faire to you (Not my real name. :p)

2. Nickname: Char/Chari.

3. Favorite Color: A rich/royal purple or a nice red.

4. Male/Female: The one you see me as.

5. Elementary School: ALL THE THINGSSSSSS.

6. Middle School: ALL THE THINGSSSSSS.


8. College: ALL THE THI-- *gets shot*

9. Hair: Brown and somewhat curly/wavy.

10. Tall/Short: I guess tall. 5'7".

11. Sweats/Jeans: Jeans. Sweats aren't comfortable anymore.

12. Phone/Camera: Camera. I don't have a phone εx

13. Health Freak: Not exactly, but I kind of watch what I eat. (When there isn't milk chocolate easily in the candy bin that is.)

14. Orange/Apple: Apple. Not a huge fan of oranges.

15. Crush: Someone I know, who loves me back.

16. Guy/Girl Friends: Guy friends since they don't do gossip as 'hardcore' as girls. I have a few sensible girl friends though, and a lot of girl friends are here on Watty :)such as Tardis, Ev, Misty, Rose, Earthstar, Cloudy, Warrior (I hope), UnderMyMask, Brokenflight, LivinLouder and Ambay.

17. Piercings: Yep.

18. Pepsi/Coke: Either. I don't mind them, but I'd rather have a Mountain Dew...

19. Ever Been on an Airplane: Yes. Probably... four times.

20. Ever Been in a Relationship: ... That subject is a bit fuzzy at the moment...

21. Ever Been in a Car Accident: Yes. No one got hurt, I think, but definitely no one died. I know it happened but don't remember the actual crash or anything immediately after.

22. Ever Been in a Fist Fight: No, but there are a few choice people I wouldn't mind getting the chance to beat up...

23. Best Friend: This'll sound like a lie, but my brother.

24. First Award: Soccor medal.

25. First Crush: Someone I liked before my current one?

26. First Word: _____

27. Any Talents: Possibly singing, but playing the flute, and burning designs onto wood with a magnifying glass.

28. Last Person I Talked To: My brother.

29. Last Person I Texted: Haha I don't text... ... ... it was my crush ... ...

30. Last Person I Watched a Movie With: My whole family. We watched Ghostbusters I. If that sounds familiar, that'll tell you how much I watch movies...

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