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I was wide awake at six and annoyed that my body didn't want to sleep in. Lucy was still curled onto her side with the comforter tucked up to her chin so I didn't wake her. It should be weird to have her in my bed, but I think we were so exhausted last night that neither of us was weird about falling asleep next to each other. I slide out of the covers and snatch my toothbrush off the counter in my bathroom. I stride down the hall towards the guest bathroom and catch Fisher drinking an espresso at the kitchen island. 

"Sup?" He asks me before taking another sip out of his tiny mug. "Where you going with that?" His chin points to my toothbrush and I glance back toward my bedroom door. 

"Lucy is in there, I'm going to use the other bathroom." He stops sipping and his eyebrows furrow. 

"Lucy? Your Lucy?" 

I nod, "Her house was broken into last night. So she's gonna stay here." 

"Fuck! Are you serious?" Fischer says and I use my hand to tell him to lower his voice. "Was she home?" 

"No, it was while we were at work. Last night was a shit show," I tell him and then drop onto a stool at the island. 

"I didn't even hear you come in," Fischer says and then he drops his cups into the sink. I notice he's about to leave but he doesn't rinse his cup out. He just leaves it in the sink for me or Mari to deal with. As usual. 

"It was late. I forgot you were staying here, so Lucy and I just shared my bed." 

"Did you get it in?" He asks with a smirk and I frown at him. 

"No, we slept. That's it." 

"You had Lucy in your bed and you did nothing?" I hesitate to tell him everything. I don't know where Lucy and I stand this morning. However, he catches onto my silence and adds, "Okay so not nothing then?" 

"We kissed, I told her I was into her but that we needed to take it slow," I confess and a wide smile takes over his face. 

"I didn't know you could take things slow. Is she into you?" 

I nod, "Turns out she's had a crush on me for a while. Supposedly, she didn't put herself out there because she didn't think I'd be receptive." 

"You may not have been depending on when she tried, or you would have just fucked her and broke her heart," he replies callously with a smirk. I frown at him but I know he's right. 

"Well, everything happens for a reason. Maybe we are both finally in a spot to take each other seriously. I told her I wanted to take her somewhere fancy. Do it right." 

"Somewhere to do it? This is a whole new Jack," he says with another shit-eating grin and he goes to grab his suitcase next to the counter. He rolls it a few feet and then looks to me, "Take her to the Biltmore, girls fucking love that place." 

"That is fancy and would cost less than Paris," I murmur in agreement and he eye rolls me. 

"You got the money, or use your daddy's credit card. They have firepits on the balcony. She'll have to fuck you," Fischer says and then continues to the front door. "I'll be back on Wednesday. Let's do a lake day Thursday." 

I nod in agreement and then watch him leave. Booking a weekend at the Biltmore would be a great way for us to just focus on each other. I know Lucy needs money, so I can't ask her to take off too much work and it would be incredibly obvious to everyone if suddenly she and I took the same days off. I'd prefer to keep whatever this is from everyone at work but Lucy may want to shout it from the rooftops. She hates PDA but she might want everyone to know we're now an item. I'm not sure what she'll want to do. I'm not sure if I know what I want to do.

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