I love you

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(Just a quick note of caution: this is not going to be super explicit, but it should still become very clear what's happening, so just that you're warned ;-))

She signed the bill without looking at their server, even on the way back to their villa they barely stopped looking each other in the eyes, so much so that multiple times one of them was in serious danger of stumbling and faceplanting on the floor, but they always caught each other in time, laughing.

After they were fully undressed, she turned to the bedroom to set the atmosphere. She chose a playlist of calming music and nature sounds to be softly playing in the background, similar to what they'd heard earlier today during their couples massage. She threw her nude colored blouse over the lamp to create a warmer, more cozier lighting, then she lit a few candles as well as some incense that she had been able to snag from the spa.

All the while he was holding her in his arms from behind to make sure they'd keep contact constantly, even when she wasn't able to look him in the eyes. His heart was racing, his mind was foggy and every last fiber of his body was already on fire, buzzing with anticipation and the sheer force of energy and emotion that was flowing and building up between them before they even got started with... whatever it was they would be doing during this tantra session she had in mind.

It was already threatening to become too much for him too quickly – the sound of her voice, her little, throaty chuckle, her smell, the softness of her hair, the touch of her skin. And the minor inconvenience that had kept them from properly consummating their arrival here in paradise last night, that they had initially intended to address with this special setup, well, it was already resolved, just like that.

She felt his body press against hers, felt his hot breath and soft lips on her neck and she could feel the tension inside him. „Easy, baby", she whispered, „Let's be patient, alright? Remember, we want to take it slow."

„I know", he smiled and took a deep breath, „It's just... you drive me crazy."

„I'm glad to hear that. Likewise!" She turned around in his arms, put her hands on his broad chest and kissed him, somewhat hungrily herself.

„So what now?", he asked.

She took his hand and led him to the bed. „You sit, crossing your legs. And then I'll come to sit in your lap, crossing my legs behind your back, so we can hug and be as close as possible without actually, you know, doing it."

„Got it..."

They got into position, he pulled her into his arms, cradled her and held her close until their faces were barely an inch away from each other. Being this close to him, she felt a tingling sensation, like a legion of butterflies inside her tummy. She lay a hand on his cheek and took in every feature of his face. How handsome he was! His dark brown eyes, his lips, his smile, the smell of his skin, his strong arms that held her and the warmth of his embrace. She felt so safe with him, protected, in this moment with him she could completely let go of all fears and worries.

He had a presence that was almost intimidating to her, like she had rarely seen in a man ever before. He was there for her, with her. Fully. He watched, he listened and he understood her even without words. When they were together, nothing else seemed to exist for him, his mind barely ever wandered off, he never reached for his phone. He had a way of savoring and living in the present moment that was hard to match even for someone with her amount of life experience, let alone a youngster of his age. Maybe he was what they called an old soul. Wise beyond his years and led by instincts others would envy – if they even knew what they were missing.

„And now?"

Her voice was soft, warm and tender: „Now we just... be. Engage our senses, focus on each sensation. What we see, hear, smell, feel...", she leaned forward and gently licked his bottom lip before whispering, „taste. We can focus on our breath. When you inhale, I exhale, and the other way around. And we can focus on our heartbeats."

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