Chapter 26

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Ren's POV

Riding with three fictional characters, a tiny boy holding pee, and a crazy girl in a live camaro for about an hour really gets on your nerves after a while.

"Luna stop poking Logan!"

"Stop being a slinthead!"

"take a left- RIGHT! NO THE OTHER RIGHT!"

"Don't you dare make me break your neck Thomas."


"Logan you can hold it! We are not stopping!"

"Bee you're purposely going left when I tell you right!"


"One second is up LALALALALA!"


Yep, not fun.

"Bumblebee pull over so I can bash the idiots heads together," I say resting my elbows on my knees rubbing my temples.

"Come on," Luna says nudging my shoulder, "We're not that annoying."

"Like hell you're not," I mumble before sitting up and looking out the window at the passing trees. We're getting close, I can feel it.

Ren, don't worry. You and your friends will get here in one piece, I promise, He says.

"Hopefully," I mumble.

"What," Luna asks looking at me.

"Nothing," I reply looking at her giving a smile.

• • • • • • •

Bee pulls up to a black broken metal gate. Bushes that needed to be trimmed surround the broken driveway. The car slowly drives down the pavement. No one speaks, confused to where I lead them. A smile on my face the entire time.

Bee finally pulls up to a giant house. I quickly shove the door open and run to the front door, my friend following behind me. Before I open the door I turn around my hands on the handles, a creepy smile on my face.

"My friends, and Minho, welcome to Xavier's School for the Gifted," I swing open the doors and turn around. Professor X comes wheeling around the corner, a smile on his face.

"Hello," He says welcomingly, "I am Charles Xavier. I have heard so much about you."

"It's nice to finally meet you in person Professor," I say shaking his hand, "Guys, the Professor and I have been communicating telepathically or a while now. He's a mutant, like me. Well, half of me. He invited us to stay here, for now."

"Woah," is all Thomas could say.

"It's nice to meet you Professor Xavier," Luna says politely and shakes his hand. That's probably the most calm I've ever seen Luna.

"Oh, oops, this is Luna, Newt, Thomas, Logan , and Minho," I introduce them, "And Bee is outside. He's a transformer. I'll explain later."

"Yes," He says, "Why don't you three go settle in while I chat with Katherine here. You'll find some of my old students clothes and things in the dorms. Feel free to explore, but I will warn you I have some old friends here."

"What kind of friends?" I ask.

"As much as I could scoop up of the original group of X-Men."

"So cool!" Luna squeals jumping up and down.

"Erik is here? And Raven? And Hank?" I ask excitement bubbling inside me. The Professor chuckles and nods. "Oh my god this is so shucking cool!"

"Sorry to interrupt but, where's the bathroom," Logan asks.

"Down the hall on the right," The professor says. Logan nods thanks before running as fast as he could off to the bathroom, "Well, upstairs is the dorms, feel free to go. We'll be in my office."

• • • • • • •

We enter his office. His walls lined with books. His desk in the middle. It looks exactly like it does in the movies.

I plop my butt into one of the chairs, swinging my legs over the arm sitting sideways.

"So, how's life Charles," I ask.

"Ren, you know what I want to talk about," he says very seriously.

"I have nothing to say about the war except Loki messed up my life ,so if that's all I'll go hang out with the idiots I call my friends." I get up to leave, but he stops me.

"Katherine this is serious," Charles says, "We need to train your powers. With multiple strong abilities, you need practice."

I turn around to face him and speak loudly, "But I don't even know what my "alien side" powers are though! I know I can set things on fire and cause major damage but other than that I KNOW NOTHING!"

"Exactly why we need to practice," He states.

"I know it's logical to do that, but," I pause.

"But what Ren?"

"I'm scared," I whisper.

"Everyone gets scared," He says kindly.

"I know but, ugh," I groan and cover my face with my hands and slump into the chair, "I remember when the scariest thing was talking to my crush."

He laughs, "We will talk more tomorrow. Go settle in with your friends. Supper is at six."


I want to say, sorry for the last couple chapters, they have been crappy. IdK why but oh well.

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