Chapter Twenty Nine : Over With

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Megan sighed as she plopped down on her bed. She had just got back from dinner with Charlie and Lucas. Every time she saw them she grew more and more enamored with them. She knew this couldn't last, her feelings for them were too strong to continue just being a toy to them.

Megan still hadn't grasped the fact that they wanted to be more than friends. They just wanted to date her for a little while and get to know her before they asked her to officially be their girlfriend. Lucas and Charlie were driving back home and chatting about how neither of them could stop thinking of Megan.

"I think it's been long enough, don't you?" Charlie asked Lucas.

They had known the girl for about a month and a half now. Charlie was getting impatient. Though they went on dates and did more intimate things together, Charlie wanted it to be official.

"I don't know. I don't want to rush into things. This is new for her and for us. I just don't want to make any mistakes," Lucas said with a sigh.

"We already know she doubts herself heavily, if we want don't want to lose her to her own thoughts and doubts we had better make a move soon," Charlie said gently.

"You're right. You can text her and ask her to meet tomorrow night, tell her it's important," Lucas said.

Mistress Charlie to Pretty Little Slut: can you meet us tomorrow night? We have something important to talk about.

Pretty Little Slut to Mistress Charlie: yes


The next day Megan went over to their house on the outskirts of town. She was sure they were going to break it off. Her heart was heavy and she was upset, but she figured it was for the best. She decided she would say it first, just rip the bandaid off fast.

She took a deep breath as she stepped out of her car. Megan walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. The door opened to reveal the maid, Carmen. She older woman smiled and ushered Megan in. Megan had been over a couple times now, so Carmen knew her.

"They're in the garden," she told told Megan.

Megan thanked her before making her way through the large house and outside. Lucas fidgeted nervously as he sat on a bench in the garden. Charlie was sitting a little ways away from him, leaving just enough space for one person to sit between them. Megan found them easily. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She seemed... distant. Charlie opened her mouth but before she could say anything, Megan began speaking.

"I want to call it all off," Megan blurted out.

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